히로매크로 커뮤니티

조회 수 923 추천 0 댓글 9
스크립트 내용은 간단합니다

repeat에 기록된 횟수만큼 스테이지를 돌고,

히든 스테이지가 나오면 히든 스테이지를 돕니다.

장비가 가득차면 선택된 장비를 판매합니다

횟수가 다 찰때까지 계속 스테이지 시퀀스로 돌아가서 스테이지를 돕니다.

그리고 난투장으로 가서

난투장을 횟수 다 소모할때까지 돌고 1시간동안 쉽니다

이걸 무한반복합니다

갤노트1에서 사용했었고..

색값인식으로 돌아가는 스크립트입니다

블레이드 접으면서.. 혹여나 쓰실분 계실까 해서 공유합니다.

//Galaxy Note 1 4.1.1 Device (1280*800)
//Physical Navigation var
//screenshot (Delay 2)

////////////////// Settings //////////////////////////

//Repeat Times
var #stagerepeat 6

//Stage Settings
var #stagelimittime 300000
var #delay 3000
var #skilldelay 3000

//Sell Selected Equipment (All=1, Except Weapon=0)
var #sellequip 1

//Rest Times
var #resttime 3600000

////////////////// Touch Location //////////////////////////
var #stageselecty 557
var #stageselectx 224

var #stagestarty 926
var #stagestartx 197

var #autoy 632
var #autox 91

var #stagerewardy 1007
var #stagerewardx 406

var #stageout1y 800
var #stageout1x 120

var #stageout2y 1165
var #stageout2x 67

var #hiddenstarty 926
var #hiddenstartx 197

var #hiddenrewardy 639
var #hiddenrewardx 123

var #hiddenouty 992
var #hiddenoutx 60

var #ffaclicky 1076
var #ffaclickx 60

var #ffarewardy 1165
var #ffarewardx 279

var #ffarewardouty 646
var #ffarewardoutx 128

var #ffainy 1111
var #ffainx 86

var #ffaattacky 1063
var #ffaattackx 183

var #ffapausey 1220
var #ffapausex 748

var #ffapauseouty 749
var #ffapauseoutx 341

var #ffaouty 1135
var #ffaoutx 49

var #beforey 61
var #beforex 76

var #fighty?1253
var #fightx?42

var #equipfully 640
var #equipfullx 226

var #clickselly 1200
var #clicksellx 150

var #clickheady 850
var #clickheadx 600

var #clickbodyy 950
var #clickbodyx 600

var #clickhandy 1050
var #clickhandx 600

var #clickfooty 1200
var #clickfootx 600

var #sellconfirmy 639
var #sellconfirmx 235
////////////////// Color Check Location //////////////////////////

var #maincolor1y 59
var #maincolor1x 419
var #maincolor2y 716
var #maincolor2x 757
var #maincolor3y 1018
var #maincolor3x 760
var #maincolor1 11062492
var #maincolor2 9216957
var #maincolor3 14888662

var #lifecheck1y 508
var #lifecheck1x 772
var #lifecheck2y 492
var #lifecheck2x 744
var #lifecheck3y 502
var #lifecheck3x 751
var #lifecheck1 16249828
var #lifecheck2 8106193
var #lifecheck3 5266289

var #stageloadingcolor1y 934
var #stageloadingcolor1x 188
var #stageloadingcolor2y 1002
var #stageloadingcolor2x 335
var #stageloadingcolor3y 1161
var #stageloadingcolor3x 121
var #stageloadingcolor1 1120546
var #stageloadingcolor2 7700873
var #stageloadingcolor3 6513507

var #equipfullcheck1y 467
var #equipfullcheck1x 436
var #equipfullcheck2y 680
var #equipfullcheck2x 393
var #equipfullcheck3y 785
var #equipfullcheck3x 386
var #equipfullcheck1 16777215
var #equipfullcheck2 16777215
var #equipfullcheck3 16777215

var #stageendcolor1y 416
var #stageendcolor1x 695
var #stageendcolor2y 545
var #stageendcolor2x 697
var #stageendcolor3y 861
var #stageendcolor3x 695
var #stageendcolor1 16777215
var #stageendcolor2 16777215
var #stageendcolor3 16777215

var #hiddencolor1y 534
var #hiddencolor1x 680
var #hiddencolor2y 606
var #hiddencolor2x 684
var #hiddencolor3y 737
var #hiddencolor3x 670
var #hiddencolor1 16777215
var #hiddencolor2 16777215
var #hiddencolor3 16777215

var #hiddenendcolor1y 666
var #hiddenendcolor1x 136
var #hiddenendcolor2y 625
var #hiddenendcolor2x 112
var #hiddenendcolor3y 645
var #hiddenendcolor3x 125
var #hiddenendcolor1 16777215
var #hiddenendcolor2 16777215
var #hiddenendcolor3 16777215

var #ffacheckcolor1y 843
var #ffacheckcolor1x 114
var #ffacheckcolor2y 834
var #ffacheckcolor2x 108
var #ffacheckcolor3y 838
var #ffacheckcolor3x 108
var #ffacheckcolor1 56588
var #ffacheckcolor2 55563
var #ffacheckcolor3 20484

var #ffarewardcolor1y 913
var #ffarewardcolor1x 311
var #ffarewardcolor2y 930
var #ffarewardcolor2x 311
var #ffarewardcolor3y 935
var #ffarewardcolor3x 311
var #ffarewardcolor1 12644860
var #ffarewardcolor2 12776703
var #ffarewardcolor3 10208204

var #ffaendcolor1y 844
var #ffaendcolor1x 707
var #ffaendcolor2y 1131
var #ffaendcolor2x 709
var #ffaendcolor3y 691
var #ffaendcolor3x 705
var #ffaendcolor1 16777215
var #ffaendcolor2 16777215
var #ffaendcolor3 16777215

////////////////// Script //////////////////////////
var #color1 0
var #color2 0
var #color3 0
var #check 0
var #time 0
var #skillcount 0



#check = #check + 1
if #check > #stagerepeat
set #check 0
goto :ffa

sleep 3000
getcolor #color1 #lifecheck1x #lifecheck1y
getcolor #color2 #lifecheck2x #lifecheck2y
getcolor #color3 #lifecheck3x #lifecheck3y
toast Life Check
sleep 3000
if #color1 == #lifecheck1 and #color2 == #lifecheck2 and #color3 == #lifecheck3
goto :stagestart
goto :ffa

touchpress 0 #stagex #stagey
sleep 3000
touchpress 0 #stagestartx #stagestarty
sleep 5000
getcolor #color1 #equipfullcheck1x #equipfullcheck1y
getcolor #color2 #equipfullcheck2x #equipfullcheck2y
getcolor #color3 #equipfullcheck3x #equipfullcheck3y
toast Storage Check...
sleep 3000
if #color1 == #equipfullcheck1 and #color2 == #equipfullcheck2 and #color3 == #equipfullcheck3
goto :sell
sleep 5000

getcolor #color1 #stageloadingcolor1x #stageloadingcolor1y
getcolor #color2 #stageloadingcolor2x #stageloadingcolor2y
getcolor #color3 #stageloadingcolor3x #stageloadingcolor3y
toast Loading...
sleep 3000
if #color1 == #stageloadingcolor1 and #color2 == #stageloadingcolor2 and #color3 == #stageloadingcolor3
goto :stagestart
goto :stageloadingcheck

set #skillcount 0
touchpress 0 #autox #autoy
toast Stage Start
sleep #delay
#time = #delay

#skillcount = #skillcount + 1
#time = #time + #skilldelay

getcolor #color1 #stageendcolor1x #stageendcolor1y
getcolor #color2 #stageendcolor2x #stageendcolor2y
getcolor #color3 #stageendcolor3x #stageendcolor3y
toast Stage Ongoing...
sleep #skilldelay
if #color1 == #stageendcolor1 and #color2 == #stageendcolor2 and #color3 == #stageendcolor3
goto :stageend
else #time > #stagelimittime
goto :stageerror

keydow K_U
keydown K_I
keydown K_O
goto :stageendcheck

toast Select Reward
sleep 2000
touchpress 0 #stagerewardx #stagerewardy
sleep 3000
touchpress 0 #stageout1x #stageout1y
sleep 10000
touchpress 0 #stageout2x #stageout2y
sleep 12000

getcolor #color1 #hiddencolor1x #hiddencolor1y
getcolor #color2 #hiddencolor2x #hiddencolor2y
getcolor #color3 #hiddencolor3x #hiddencolor3y
toast Hidden Stage Check...
sleep 3000
if #color1 == #hiddencolor1 and #color2 == #hiddencolor2 and #color3 == #hiddencolor3
goto :hidden

goto :stage

touchpress 0 #ffapausex #ffapausey
sleep 3000
touchpress 0 #ffapauseoutx #ffapauseouty
sleep 12000
goto :stage

sleep 3000
touchpress 0 #hiddenstartx #hiddenstarty
sleep 5000

getcolor #color1 #equipfullcheck1x #equipfullcheck1y
getcolor #color2 #equipfullcheck2x #equipfullcheck2y
getcolor #color3 #equipfullcheck3x #equipfullcheck3y
sleep 3000
if #color1 == #equipfullcheck1 and #color2 == #equipfullcheck2 and #color3 == #equipfullcheck3
goto :sell
sleep 5000

getcolor #color1 #stageloadingcolor1x #stageloadingcolor1y
getcolor #color2 #stageloadingcolor2x #stageloadingcolor2y
getcolor #color3 #stageloadingcolor3x #stageloadingcolor3y
sleep 3000
if #color1 == #stageloadingcolor1 and #color2 == #stageloadingcolor2 and #color3 == #stageloadingcolor3
goto :hiddenstagestart
goto :hiddenstageloadingcheck

touchpress 0 #autox #autoy
toast Hidden Stage Start
sleep 3000

getcolor #color1 #hiddenendcolor1x #hiddenendcolor1y
getcolor #color2 #hiddenendcolor2x #hiddenendcolor2y
getcolor #color3 #hiddenendcolor3x #hiddenendcolor3y
toast Hidden Stage Ongoing...
sleep 3000
if #color1 == #hiddenendcolor1 and #color2 == #hiddenendcolor2 and #color3 == #hiddenendcolor3
goto :hiddenend
goto :hiddenendcheck

touchpress 0 #hiddenrewardx #hiddenrewardy
sleep 25000
touchpress 0 #hiddenrewardx #hiddenrewardy
sleep 5000
touchpress 0 #hiddenoutx #hiddenouty
sleep 5000

getcolor #color1 #maincolor1x #maincolor1y
getcolor #color2 #maincolor2x #maincolor2y
getcolor #color3 #maincolor3x #maincolor3y
sleep 3000
if #color1 == #maincolor1 and #color2 == #maincolor2 and #color3 == #maincolor3
goto :stage
goto :hiddenmaincheck

toast Free For All
sleep 3000
touchpress 0 #ffaclickx #ffaclicky
sleep 3000

getcolor #color1 #ffarewardcolor1x #ffarewardcolor1y
getcolor #color2 #ffarewardcolor2x #ffarewardcolor2y
getcolor #color3 #ffarewardcolor3x #ffarewardcolor3y
toast Reward Check...
sleep 3000
if #color1 == #ffarewardcolor1 and #color2 == #ffarewardcolor2 and #color3 == #ffarewardcolor3
touchpress 0 #ffarewardx #ffarewardy
sleep 3000
touchpress 0 #ffarewardoutx #ffarewardouty
sleep 3000
touchpress 0 #ffarewardoutx #ffarewardouty?
sleep 3000

getcolor #color1 #ffacheckcolor1x #ffacheckcolor1y
getcolor #color2 #ffacheckcolor2x #ffacheckcolor2y
getcolor #color3 #ffacheckcolor3x #ffacheckcolor3y
toast Available Check...
sleep 3000
if #color1 == #ffacheckcolor1 and #color2 == #ffacheckcolor2 and #color3 == #ffacheckcolor3
sleep #resttime
set #check 0
goto :start

touchpress 0 #ffainx #ffainy
sleep 2000

getcolor #color1 #stageloadingcolor1x #stageloadingcolor1y
getcolor #color2 #stageloadingcolor2x #stageloadingcolor2y
getcolor #color3 #stageloadingcolor3x #stageloadingcolor3y
toast Loading...
sleep 3000
if #color1 == #stageloadingcolor1 and #color2 == #stageloadingcolor2 and #color3 == #stageloadingcolor3
sleep 1000
touchdown 0 #ffaattackx #ffaattacky
toast Let's Fight!
goto :ffastart
goto :ffaloadingcheck

#check = #check + 1
#time = #time + 3
toast #time seconds

getcolor #color1 #ffaendcolor1x #ffaendcolor1y
getcolor #color2 #ffaendcolor2x #ffaendcolor2y
getcolor #color3 #ffaendcolor3x #ffaendcolor3y
sleep 2700

if #color1 == #ffaendcolor1 and #color2 == #ffaendcolor2 and #color3 == #ffaendcolor3
goto :ffaend
elseif #check > 115
goto :ffaerror

keypress K_U
keypress K_I
keypress K_O
goto :ffastart

touchup 0
sleep 5000
touchpress 0 #ffaoutx #ffaouty
sleep 10000
touchpress 0 #beforex #beforey
sleep 3000
touchpress 0 #fightx #fighty
sleep 3000
goto :ffa

touchup 0
sleep 3000
touchpress 0 #ffapausex #ffapausey
sleep 3000
touchpress 0 #ffapauseoutx #ffapauseouty
sleep 10000
touchpress 0 #beforex #beforey
sleep 3000
touchpress 0 #fightx #fighty
sleep 3000
goto :ffa

#check = #check - 1
toast Sell Equipment
sleep 3000
touchpress 0 #equipfullx #equipfully
sleep 3000

if #sellequip == 0
goto :exceptweapon

touchpress 0 #clicksellx #clickselly
sleep 3000
touchpress 0 #sellconfirmx #sellconfirmy
sleep 10000
touchpress 0 #sellconfirmx #sellconfirmy
sleep 3000
touchpress 0 #beforex #beforey
sleep 3000
goto :stage

touchpress 0 #clickheadx #clickheady
sleep 3000
touchpress 0 #clicksellx #clickselly
sleep 3000
touchpress 0 #sellconfirmx #sellconfirmy
sleep 5000
touchpress 0 #sellconfirmx #sellconfirmy
sleep 3000
touchpress 0 #clickbodyx #clickbodyy
sleep 3000
touchpress 0 #clicksellx #clickselly
sleep 3000
touchpress 0 #sellconfirmx #sellconfirmy
sleep 5000
touchpress 0 #sellconfirmx #sellconfirmy
sleep 3000
touchpress 0 #clickhandx #clickhandy
sleep 3000
touchpress 0 #clicksellx #clickselly
sleep 3000
touchpress 0 #sellconfirmx #sellconfirmy
sleep 5000
touchpress 0 #sellconfirmx #sellconfirmy
sleep 3000
touchpress 0 #clickfootx #clickfooty
sleep 3000
touchpress 0 #clicksellx #clickselly
sleep 3000
touchpress 0 #sellconfirmx #sellconfirmy
sleep 5000
touchpress 0 #sellconfirmx #sellconfirmy
sleep 3000
goto :stage


  • 파도 2014.10.01 11:51

    감사합니다 함 해봐야겠네요

  • 천사요피엘 2014.10.01 23:42

    히로메크로는 핸드폰에서 돌리는 메크로인가요?

  • 가풍기 2014.10.02 06:03

    a/s 안해드려요...

    저거 만드느라 개고생했는데?

    이제 하지도 않을 게임 때매 다시 건드리고싶지도 않아서요..

    무책임한 공유 죄송합니다

  • 깜앙 2014.10.02 17:19

    블레이드 게임 가끔씩 하긴 하는데 .. 이런 쪽은 문외한이라 ..시간적으로 좀 여유 있을 때 한 번 시도해 봐야겠네요..감사히 잘 쓰겠습니다. ^^

  • 데이비드베큠 2014.10.03 02:32


  • 소프 2014.10.06 17:59

    꽤 길군요;;; 대단하시네요..ㅎㅎ

    참고하는데 도움이 될거 같네요 . 감사합니다.

  • 블레이드짱 2014.10.14 16:24

    정말 죄송하지만 원격좀 가능할까요 ㅠㅠ; 컴 완전 개초짜라 매크로와 지니모션같은걸 깔아보긴했는데 하는방법을 전혀 모르겠고 컴에 문외한이라 공부를해봤는데도 설정방법도 어떻게 해야할지모르겠네요?; 블레이드 접으셧다는데 귀찮으신거 같다면 죄송합니다 ;;

  • 하얀솔개 2014.10.21 18:11



  • 가을축 2015.03.30 09:06

    블레이드가요? 메크로요^^

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