매크로 커뮤니티

조회 수 176 추천 0 댓글 0

안녕하세요. 테일스타 여러분들~


#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.

#SingleInstance Force



SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.

SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

SetTitleMatchMode, 3

CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen

DetectHiddenText, On

DetectHiddenWindows, On

;-- 변수 선언 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

global varVer = "몰 도우미 for Kakao v1.0.2"

global varOnoff := 0

global varStatus1, varStatus2, varStatus3

global varWorking

global varAway

global varHome

global varNTF

global var5min

global varEdit




IfNotExist, MAssistant.ini


IniWrite, 반갑습니다(방긋) 앞서 문의주신 손님께 답변 중이니 잠시만 기다려주세요(방긋), MAssistant.ini, Sample,varWorking

IniWrite, 반갑습니다(방긋) 지금은 부재중이라 상담에 응해드릴 수가 없어요. 제가 다시 연락드릴께요(눈물), MAssistant.ini, Sample,varAway

IniWrite, 고객님(눈물) 상담가능한 시간은 오전 9시부터 오후 6시까지 입니다(눈물) 상담시간에 제가 연락드리겠습니다(눈물), MAssistant.ini, Sample,varHome


;-- 현재 상태 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Gui, Add, GroupBox, x12 y10 w90 h140 , 현재 상태

Gui, Add, Radio, x22 y30 w60 h20 gactionStatus vvarStatus1, 상담 중

Gui, Add, Radio, x22 y70 w70 h20 gactionStatus vvarStatus2, 자리 비움

Gui, Add, Radio, x22 y110 w70 h20 gactionStatus vvarStatus3, 퇴근

IniRead, varStatus1 , MAssistant.ini, Status,varStatus1,1

IniRead, varStatus2 , MAssistant.ini, Status,varStatus2,0

IniRead, varStatus3 , MAssistant.ini, Status,varStatus3,0

GuiControl,,varStatus1, %varStatus1%

GuiControl,,varStatus2, %varStatus2%

GuiControl,,varStatus3, %varStatus3%

;-- 에디트 컨트롤 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Gui, Add, GroupBox, x112 y10 w210 h140 , 현재 지정된 메시지

Gui, Add, Edit, x122 y30 w190 h110 vvarEdit

IniRead, varWorking , MAssistant.ini, Sample,varWorking

IniRead, varAway , MAssistant.ini, Sample,varAway

IniRead, varHome , MAssistant.ini, Sample,varHome

Gui, Submit, NoHide

If varStatus1 = 1

GuiControl,,varEdit, %varWorking%

else if varStatus2 = 1

GuiControl,,varEdit, %varAway%

else if varStatus3 = 1

GuiControl,,varEdit, %varHome%

;--추가 기능-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Gui, Add, GroupBox, x12 y160 w310 h70, 추가 기능 ; group-box

Gui, Add, CheckBox, x22 y180 w290 h20 vvarNTF gactionNTF, 친구에게는 메시지를 전송하지 않습니다. ;varNTF ;~varNotToFriend

Gui, Add, CheckBox, x22 y200 w290 h20 vvar5min gaction5min, 5분 동안 입력이 없으면 자동으로 실행합니다. ;var5min

IniRead, varNTF , MAssistant.ini, Option,varNTF,1

IniRead, var5min , MAssistant.ini, Option,var5min,0

GuiControl,,varNTF, %varNTF%

GuiControl,,var5min, %var5min%

;--버튼 모음-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Gui Font, cRed

GuiControl Font, status

Gui, Add, text, x332 y25 w80 h60 center hidden vstatus, 자동 응답 중

Gui, Add, Button, x332 y50 w80 h60 vonoff,On/Off

Gui, Add, Button, x332 y115 w80 h35 vmsgSave, 메시지 저장 ;actionChangeMsg

Gui, Add, Button, x332 y155 w80 h35 vabout, 문의/기부 ;~ display a pop-up

Gui, Add, Button, x332 y195 w80 h35 vquit, 종료`(&Q`) ;~ display a pop-up TBD

Gui, Show, x1 y1 w423 h240, 몰 도우미 for Kakao v1.0


Gui +lastfound

hWnd := WinExist()

DllCall( "RegisterShellHookWindow", UInt,hWnd )

MsgNum := DllCall( "RegisterWindowMessage", Str,"SHELLHOOK" )

inactivity_limit=300 ; measured in seconds

how_often_to_test=10 ; measured in seconds

show_tooltip=1       ; 1=show, anything else means hide



IfNotExist, %A_ScriptDir%\customers.txt

FileAppend, Mall Assistant v1.0 Customer Log`n,%A_ScriptDir%\customers.txt

settimer, check_active, %how_often_to_test_ms%






Gui, Submit, NoHide

OnMessage(MsgNum, (varOnOff := !varOnOff) ? "ShellMessage" : "")

If varOnoff = 1


If GetKeyState("Ctrl", "P") = 0


If CheckKakaoLogin()



If varOnoff = 1


GuiControl, show, status

GuiControl, disable, varStatus1

GuiControl, disable, varStatus2

GuiControl, disable, varStatus3

GuiControl, disable, varNTF

GuiControl, disable, var5min

GuiControl, disable, msgSave

GuiControl, disable, about

GuiControl, disable, varEdit

TrayTip,Mall Assistant v1.0, 자동 응답을 시작합니다^^,1

SetTimer, RemoveTrayTip, 1000






GuiControl, hide, status

GuiControl, enable, varStatus1

GuiControl, enable, varStatus2

GuiControl, enable, varStatus3

GuiControl, enable, varNTF

GuiControl, enable, var5min

GuiControl, enable, msgSave

GuiControl, enable, about

GuiControl, enable, varEdit




if A_TimeIdlePhysical > %inactivity_limit_ms%


If varOnoff = 0


If var5min = 1


ControlClick, On/Off, 몰 도우미 for Kakao v1.0





Intro() ;5초 대기 후 시작


GuiControl, disable, onoff

Loop, 5


tempCnt := 5 - A_Index + 1

TrayTip,Mall Assistant v1.0, %tempCnt%초 뒤 자동 응답을 시작합니다^^,1

SetTimer, RemoveTrayTip, 900

sleep, 970


GuiControl, enable, onoff




TrayTip,Mall Assistant v1.0, 자동 응답을 종료합니다^^,1

SetTimer, RemoveTrayTip, 1000



CheckKakaoLogin() ;카카오톡 로그인 상태 확인


IfWinExist, 카카오톡


WinShow, 카카오톡

WinActivate, 카카오톡

ControlGet, varCKLcontrol, Visible,, Edit2, 카카오톡

If varCKLcontrol{

msgbox, 0x1040, Mall Assistant v1.0,카카오톡에 로그인을 해 주세요 :)

varOnoff := 0

return 0




varOnoff := 0

msgbox, 0x1040, Mall Assistant v1.0,카카오톡을 먼저 실행 해 주세요 :)

return 0


return 1


ShellMessage( wParam,lParam ) ;푸시 알림 감지 및 채팅창 열기


WinGetTitle, Title, ahk_id %lParam%

If (( wParam = 32774 ) && ( Title = "카카오톡" ))


BlockInput, On

Winwait, ahk_class EVA_Window_Dblclk,,0

ControlClick, x1 y1, ahk_class EVA_Window_Dblclk

sleep, 100

If varNTF && DetermineFriend()


IfNotExist, %A_ScriptDir%\customers.txt

FileAppend, Mall Assistant v1.0 Customer Log`n,%A_ScriptDir%\customers.txt

WinGet, id, list, ahk_class #32770,,카카오톡

Loop %id%


if %id%


this_id := id%A_Index%

WinGetTitle, varCTitle, ahk_id %this_id%

varWrite := 1

;--------------중복 여부만을 검사---------------------------------

Loop, read, %A_ScriptDir%\customers.txt


If varCTitle = %A_LoopReadLine%

varWrite := 0


if varWrite


FileAppend, %varCTitle%`n, %A_ScriptDir%\customers.txt






BlockInput, Off



DetermineFriend() ;친구여부 판단, 1 : 친구, 0 : 친구아님


Winwait, ahk_class EVA_Window_Dblclk,,0

ControlClick, x20 y20, ahk_class EVA_Window_Dblclk

ControlGetPos, varDFnd,,,,EVA_Window1,ahk_class #32770

If varDFnd


Send, {ESC}

return 1



return 0


; 사용예시 SendKakaoMessage("Message","Matthew Burrows")

SendKaKaoMessage(Word, Name) ;카톡으로 메시지 보내기




IfWinExist, %Name%



sleep, 120




SaveAll() ;설정내용 저장


Gui, Submit, nohide

IniWrite, %varStatus1%, MAssistant.ini, Status,varStatus1

IniWrite, %varStatus2%, MAssistant.ini, Status,varStatus2

IniWrite, %varStatus3%, MAssistant.ini, Status,varStatus3

If varStatus1 = 1

IniWrite, %varEdit%, MAssistant.ini, Sample, varWorking

Else if varStatus2 = 1

IniWrite, %varEdit%, MAssistant.ini, Sample, varAway

Else if varStatus3 = 1

IniWrite, %varEdit%, MAssistant.ini, Sample, varHome

IniWrite, %varNTF%, MAssistant.ini, Option,varNTF

IniWrite, %var5min%, MAssistant.ini, Option,var5min



Gui, Submit, NoHide

IniRead, varWorking , MAssistant.ini, Sample,varWorking

IniRead, varAway , MAssistant.ini, Sample,varAway

IniRead, varHome , MAssistant.ini, Sample,varHome

If varStatus1 = 1

GuiControl,,varEdit, %varWorking%

else if varStatus2 = 1

GuiControl,,varEdit, %varAway%

else if varStatus3 = 1

GuiControl,,varEdit, %varHome%




Gui, Submit, NoHide



Gui,2:Add, Text, x10 y10 w180 h20 , 몰 도우미 for Kakao v1.0.2

Gui,2:Add, Text, x10 y60 w310 h50 , 비영리 목적으로 제작되었지만 피드백(feedback)과`n도네이션(donation)은 언제든지 감사히 받겠습니다.`n모든 문의는 아래 링크된 Guestbook을 통해 남겨주시면 되겠습니다.

Gui,2:Add, Button, x220 y160 w100 h30 gactionOK, 확인

Gui,2:Add, Link, x10 y120 w310 h20 , <a href="http://rahs.tistory.com/guestbook">문제 보고 및 개선/개발 건의</a>

Gui,2:Add, Link, x10 y140 w310 h20 , <a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=5P49F5SDKSQVG">기부/격려=$1/추가 개발 독촉</a>

Gui,2:Add, Text, x10 y30 w310 h20 , [Developed for KakaoTalk PC ver.]

; Generated using SmartGUI Creator for SciTE

Gui,2:Show, w330 h200, About MA v1.0.2















SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, Off




SetTimer, RemoveTrayTip, Off



이소스가 카톡이오면 비활성으로 톡으로보내는건대~ 톡보내기전 그앞에 친구추가 버튼도 클릭하고싶거든요~ 그렇게할려면 어떻게해야할가요ㅜㅜ

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