앱 플레이어


지금 엔디의 버전입니다. 엔디를 하고 싶은데 처음에 로딩화면이 되었다가 갑자기 사라집니다. ㅜㅜ

그리고 이리저리 컴터에 찾은것은

2014-11-02 01:31:58,760 MainThread ERROR andy.machine.Installer [ERROR]
Traceback (most recent call last):
? File "andy.__main__", line 69, in uninstall
? File "andy.machine", line 77, in uninstall
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'deleteConfig'
2014-11-02 01:31:59,571 MainThread INFO andy.machine.Installer Importing and configuring Virtual Box image...
2014-11-02 01:31:59,571 MainThread INFO andy.machine.Installer Reading OVA file: C:\Program Files\Andy\andy.ova...
2014-11-02 01:31:59,586 MainThread INFO andy.machine.Installer Interpreting OVA file...
2014-11-02 01:31:59,586 MainThread INFO andy.machine.Installer Importing virtual machine...
2014-11-02 01:32:07,402 MainThread INFO andy.machine.Installer Setting up network adapters...
2014-11-02 01:32:07,714 MainThread INFO andy.machine.Installer Setting up DHCP...
2014-11-02 01:32:07,730 MainThread INFO andy.machine.Installer Setting system specs...
2014-11-02 01:32:07,730 MainThread INFO andy.machine.Installer Creating shared folder at C:\Users\jjangjae/Andy.
2014-11-02 01:32:07,745 MainThread INFO andy.machine.Installer Done.
2014-11-02 01:46:37,930 MainThread INFO andy.__main__ EXTENSIONS: b'WGL_EXT_depth_float WGL_ARB_buffer_region WGL_ARB_extensions_string WGL_ARB_make_current_read WGL_ARB_pixel_format WGL_ARB_pbuffer WGL_EXT_extensions_string WGL_EXT_swap_control WGL_EXT_swap_control_tear WGL_ARB_multisample WGL_ARB_pixel_format_float WGL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB WGL_ARB_create_context WGL_ARB_create_context_profile WGL_EXT_pixel_format_packed_float WGL_EXT_create_context_es_profile WGL_EXT_create_context_es2_profile WGL_NV_DX_interop WGL_ARB_create_context_robustness '
?VERSION: b'4.0.0 - Build'
?VENDOR: b'Intel'
?RENDERER: b'Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000'
2014-11-02 01:46:38,086 MainThread INFO andy.machine.Installer Creating shared folder at C:\Users\jjangjae/Andy.
2014-11-02 01:46:38,133 MainThread ERROR andy.camera_server ID=0 is bigger than the number of available cameras (0)
2014-11-02 01:46:38,133 MainThread INFO andy.camera_server frame server port: 1107
2014-11-02 01:46:38,133 MainThread INFO andy.metrics_server.MetricsServer Unable to read INSTDATE from the registry.
2014-11-02 01:46:38,133 MainThread INFO andy.metrics_server.MetricsServer Unable to read TRACKINGCODE from the registry.
2014-11-02 01:46:38,133 MainThread INFO andy.metrics_server.MetricsServer Unable to read TRACKINGURL from the registry.
2014-11-02 01:46:38,538 MainThread INFO UI.OpenGL Unable to create OpenGL sub-window. Schedule timer.
2014-11-02 01:46:38,554 Thread-1 INFO requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool Starting new HTTP connection (1): andyroid.net
2014-11-02 01:46:38,570 MainThread INFO andy.machine.Machine self.message: Starting Android...
2014-11-02 01:46:38,585 MainThread INFO andy.machine.Machine Launching Android...
2014-11-02 01:46:40,797 MainThread INFO andy.machine.Machine self.message: Shutting down Android...
2014-11-02 01:46:40,797 MainThread INFO andy.machine.Machine self.message: Stopping threads...
2014-11-02 01:46:40,797 MainThread INFO andy.machine.Machine self.message: All threads are stopped.
2014-11-02 01:46:40,798 MainThread INFO andy.metrics_server.MetricsServer Unable to read INSTDATE from the registry.
2014-11-02 01:46:40,798 MainThread INFO andy.metrics_server.MetricsServer Unable to read TRACKINGCODE from the registry.
2014-11-02 01:46:40,798 MainThread INFO andy.metrics_server.MetricsServer Unable to read TRACKINGURL from the registry.
2014-11-02 01:46:40,798 MainThread INFO andy.machine.Machine self.message: All threads are joined.
2014-11-02 01:46:41,800 MainThread INFO andy.machine.Machine self.message:
2014-11-02 01:46:44,022 MainThread ERROR andy Unhandled exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
? File "cx_Freeze__init__", line 27, in <module>
? File "/andy__main__", line 11, in <module>
? File "andy.__main__", line 292, in main
? File "andy.__main__", line 209, in start
? File "andy.machine", line 715, in start
? File "andy.machine", line 614, in start_vm
andy.exceptions.VirtualBoxError: Unable to launch VM Process: 0.?8ab7c520-2442-4b66-8d74-4ff1e195d2b6, Console (-2147467259, 0)
Unable to load R3 module c:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox/VBoxDD.DLL (VBoxDD): GetLastError=1790 (VERR_UNRESOLVED_ERROR)
2014-11-02 01:47:04,008 MainThread INFO andy.__main__ EXTENSIONS: b'WGL_EXT_depth_float WGL_ARB_buffer_region WGL_ARB_extensions_string WGL_ARB_make_current_read WGL_ARB_pixel_format WGL_ARB_pbuffer WGL_EXT_extensions_string WGL_EXT_swap_control WGL_EXT_swap_control_tear WGL_ARB_multisample WGL_ARB_pixel_format_float WGL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB WGL_ARB_create_context WGL_ARB_create_context_profile WGL_EXT_pixel_format_packed_float WGL_EXT_create_context_es_profile WGL_EXT_create_context_es2_profile WGL_NV_DX_interop WGL_ARB_create_context_robustness '
?VERSION: b'4.0.0 - Build'
?VENDOR: b'Intel'
?RENDERER: b'Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000'
2014-11-02 01:47:04,057 MainThread ERROR andy.camera_server ID=0 is bigger than the number of available cameras (0)
2014-11-02 01:47:04,065 MainThread INFO andy.camera_server frame server port: 1159
2014-11-02 01:47:04,066 MainThread INFO andy.metrics_server.MetricsServer Unable to read INSTDATE from the registry.
2014-11-02 01:47:04,066 MainThread INFO andy.metrics_server.MetricsServer Unable to read TRACKINGCODE from the registry.
2014-11-02 01:47:04,066 MainThread INFO andy.metrics_server.MetricsServer Unable to read TRACKINGURL from the registry.
2014-11-02 01:47:04,273 MainThread INFO UI.OpenGL Unable to create OpenGL sub-window. Schedule timer.
2014-11-02 01:47:04,287 Thread-1 INFO requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool Starting new HTTP connection (1): andyroid.net
2014-11-02 01:47:04,304 MainThread INFO andy.machine.Machine self.message: Starting Android...
2014-11-02 01:47:04,318 MainThread INFO andy.machine.Machine Launching Android...
2014-11-02 01:47:06,065 MainThread INFO andy.machine.Machine self.message: Shutting down Android...
2014-11-02 01:47:06,065 MainThread INFO andy.machine.Machine self.message: Stopping threads...
2014-11-02 01:47:06,065 MainThread INFO andy.machine.Machine self.message: All threads are stopped.
2014-11-02 01:47:06,066 MainThread INFO andy.metrics_server.MetricsServer Unable to read INSTDATE from the registry.
2014-11-02 01:47:06,066 MainThread INFO andy.metrics_server.MetricsServer Unable to read TRACKINGCODE from the registry.
2014-11-02 01:47:06,066 MainThread INFO andy.metrics_server.MetricsServer Unable to read TRACKINGURL from the registry.
2014-11-02 01:47:06,066 MainThread INFO andy.machine.Machine self.message: All threads are joined.
2014-11-02 01:47:07,068 MainThread INFO andy.machine.Machine self.message:
2014-11-02 01:47:10,862 MainThread ERROR andy Unhandled exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
? File "cx_Freeze__init__", line 27, in <module>
? File "/andy__main__", line 11, in <module>
? File "andy.__main__", line 292, in main
? File "andy.__main__", line 209, in start
? File "andy.machine", line 715, in start
? File "andy.machine", line 614, in start_vm
andy.exceptions.VirtualBoxError: Unable to launch VM Process: 0.?8ab7c520-2442-4b66-8d74-4ff1e195d2b6, Console (-2147467259, 0)
Unable to load R3 module c:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox/VBoxDD.DLL (VBoxDD): GetLastError=1790 (VERR_UNRESOLVED_ERROR)

이것이 보이는데 혹시 해결할방법이 없을까요 ㅜㅜ



그리고 설치 막바지에 이런 비슷한류가 뜹니다



그다음에 Done이라고 뜹니다

  • profile
    피카부 2014.11.02 02:00

    버추얼박스만 삭제후 재설치 해보세요.

  • 풀다 2014.11.02 02:17
    비추얼박스만 지우고 다시 깔았는데 안되네요 그리고 설치할때 done이라고 뜨는것도 잠시 본것갔습니다. ㅜㅜ 그리고 비추얼박스 한번 클릭해봤는데 이렇게 뜨고요 ㅜㅜ
  • profile
    러러러러러 2014.11.02 17:09

    버츄얼박스 저기에 되있던 이름이 andy<---이였나여? 전 처음에 이름이 저게 아니였는데

    그 처음이름으로 해야 실행이 되드라고요 이름을 변경하신거라면 그것땜에 문제가 될수도있어요

  • 분노의바두기 2014.11.02 21:36

    제켐은 사양은 다되는것 같은데 마지막에 화면이 안뜨네요...램도3기가 윈도우세븐 인텔i3인데요...

  • 미니무그 2014.11.02 22:07

    전체 삭제해야할듯해요.. vm이 다른셋팅과 충돌할 부분이 많습니다.

    지니나 타 vm쓰는거 일단 삭제해보시고 재부팅후 설치해보세요

  • 풀다 2014.11.03 14:07
    윈도우를 다시깔았습니다. 하두안되서요 ㅜㅜ 근데 이제는 검은창이 사라지지않고 거기서 이제 멈춥니다 ㅜ
  • 미니무그 2014.11.03 23:15
    혹시 amd 쓰고 있나요?
  • 곰돌파파 2014.11.05 21:11

    기본적으로 앤디를 설치할 때 바이러스 프로그램은 잠시 꺼 두셔야됩니다....

    그리고 관리자권한으로 실행으로 설치해주세요...

  • herjj 2014.11.08 07:58
    저는 이것저것 원인도 모르고... 앤디 설치 포기했어요 ㅠㅠ. 화이팅. 꼭 잘 되십쇼
  • 몬길처음부터 2014.11.08 13:57

    앤디 말고 지니모션으로 하시지?

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