오토핫키 커뮤니티

조회 수 247 추천 0 댓글 3
OnMessage(0x100, "GUI_KeyDown", 2) ;// This when the GUI is initialized.
이렇게 선언하고
GUI_KeyDown(wParam, lParam, nMsg, hWnd)
pipa := ComObjQuery(WEB, "{00000117-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}")
VarSetCapacity(kMsg, 48), NumPut(A_GuiY, NumPut(A_GuiX
, NumPut(A_EventInfo, NumPut(lParam, NumPut(wParam
, NumPut(nMsg, NumPut(hWnd, kMsg)))), "uint"), "int"), "int")
Loop 2
r := DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(1*pipa)+5*A_PtrSize), "ptr", pipa, "ptr", &kMsg)
;// Loop to work around an odd tabbing issue (it's as if there
;// is a non-existent element at the end of the tab order).[/color]
until wParam != 9 || WEB.Document.activeElement != ""
if r = 0 ;// S_OK: the message was translated to an accelerator.
return 0
아래의 함수를 추가해놨습니다. 근데 GUI에서 Send,{Enter} 작업이 필요한데 Enter 작업이 먹히질않네요...
어떻게 써야 Enter 이 먹힐까요? (ActiveX 에 먹혀야합니다.)

  • profile
    예지력1 2015.10.19 21:20

    블로그에도 문의해주셨는데 코드가 길어서 여기에 답변해드릴게요

    검색창에 아무렇게나 치고 F1 눌러보세요

    #SingleInstance Off
    #KeyHistory 0
    ListLines Off
    SetBatchLines, -1
    Init := new Browser()

    Init.OnMessage("13", "1835009", "256", Init.hWnd)

    class Browser
     static URL := "https://duckduckgo.com"
      Gui, New, +Resize +hwndhMain
      this.hMain := hMain
      Gui, Add, ActiveX, x0 y0 w500 h500 hwndhEmbed vWB, Shell.Explorer
      this.hEmbed := hEmbed
      WB.silent := true, WB.Navigate(this.URL)
      this.Bound := []
      this.Bound.OnMessage := this.OnMessage.Bind(this)
      WinEvents.Register(this.hMain, this)
      for each, Msg in [0x100, 0x201, 0x202, 0x204]
       OnMessage(Msg, this.Bound.OnMessage)
      Gui,Show, % " w" A_ScreenWidth*0.7 " h" A_ScreenHeight*0.7 , 브라우저

      DllCall("MoveWindow", "Ptr", this.hEmbed, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", A_GuiWidth, "Int", A_GuiHeight, "Int", 1)
      for each, Msg in [0x100, 0x201, 0x202, 0x204]
       OnMessage(Msg, this.Bound.OnMessage, 0)
      this.Delete("Bound"), WinEvents.Unregister(this.hMain)
      Gui, Destroy
     OnMessage(wParam, lParam, Msg, hWnd)
      static fields := "hWnd,Msg,wParam,lParam,A_EventInfo,A_GuiX,A_GuiY"
      global WB
      this.hWnd := hWnd
      if (Msg == 0x100)
        pipa := ComObjQuery(WB.document, "{00000117-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}")
        VarSetCapacity(Msgs, 48)
        Loop Parse, fields, `,             ;`
        NumPut(%A_LoopField%, Msgs, (A_Index-1)*A_PtrSize)
        TranslateAccelerator := NumGet(NumGet(1*pipa)+5*A_PtrSize)
        Loop 2
         r := DllCall(TranslateAccelerator, "Ptr",pipa, "Ptr",&Msgs)
        until wParam != 9 || WB.document.activeElement != ""
        if r = 0
         return 0

    class WinEvents
     static Table := {}
     Register(hWnd, Class, Prefix="Gui")
      Gui, +LabelWinEvents.
      this.Table[hWnd] := {Class: Class, Prefix: Prefix}
     Dispatch(hWnd, Type)
      Info := this.Table[hWnd]
      return Info.Class[Info.Prefix . Type].Call(Info.Class)
      return WinEvents.Dispatch(this, "Close")
      return WinEvents.Dispatch(this, "Size")

  • _Crash 2015.10.20 00:07

    으 저는 Class 를 나눠서 작업하질않아서 햇갈리네요.

    Gui, Color, White
    Gui, Font, S18
    Gui, Add, ActiveX,x0 y0 w1000 h650 vWEB HScroll ,www.naver.com
    Gui, Add, Text, x0 y655 w1000 h30 cBlue Center vShowText,F1 시작
    Gui, Show, w1000 h680, 타이틀
    Global WEB

    OnMessage("13", "1835009", "256", hwnd)

    OnMessage(wParam, lParam, Msg, hwnd)
    static fields := "hWnd,Msg,wParam,lParam,A_EventInfo,A_GuiX,A_GuiY"
    global WEB

    hWnd := hwnd
    if (Msg == 0x100)
    pipa := ComObjQuery(WEB.document, "{00000117-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}")
    VarSetCapacity(Msgs, 48)
    Loop Parse, fields, `, ;`
    NumPut(%A_LoopField%, Msgs, (A_Index-1)*A_PtrSize)
    TranslateAccelerator := NumGet(NumGet(1*pipa)+5*A_PtrSize)
    Loop 2
    r := DllCall(TranslateAccelerator, "Ptr",pipa, "Ptr",&Msgs)
    until wParam != 9 || WEB.document.activeElement != ""
    if r = 0
    return 0

    어디가 틀렸나요? hwnd 값을넘겨줘야 하는거같은데 activex hwnd 값을만들어서 넘겨줘도 반응이없네요...

    추가로 이렇게만들면 F1눌렀을때 다른창에는 아무런영향이없는거 맞나요? (비활성입력랑 같은셈인가요?)

    저는 비활성엔터가필요합니다. 

  • profile
    예지력1 2015.10.20 01:06
    클래스로 안짜시면 OnMessage를 함수로 만들면 안됩니다, 저건 오브젝트로 만들때의 OnMessage 내장함수에요
    함수밖에서 생성하는 변수는 모두 Global 변수에요, 잘못 이해하고 계신거 같네요! (Global WEB 필요없음)
    그리고 웹을 비활성으로 컨트롤하시려면 이런거보다 DOM을 사용하는게 훨씬 쉽고 정확해요

    OnMessage(0x0100, "WM_KeyPress"), OnMessage(0x0101, "WM_KeyPress")
    Gui, Color, White
    Gui, Font, S18
    Gui, Add, ActiveX,x0 y0 w1000 h650 vWEB HScroll ,www.naver.com
    Gui, Add, Text, x0 y655 w1000 h30 cBlue Center vShowText,F1 시작
    pipa := ComObjQuery(WEB, IOleInPlaceActiveObject_Interface )
    TranslateAccelerator := NumGet(NumGet(pipa+0 ) + 5*A_PtrSize )
    Gui, Show, w1000 h680, 타이틀

    ControlGet, hShell, Hwnd,, Internet Explorer_Server1, A
    WM_KeyPress("13", "1835009", "256", hShell)

    WM_KeyPress(wParam, lParam, nMsg, hWnd ) {

    Global WEB, pipa, TranslateAccelerator
    Static Vars := "hWnd | nMsg | wParam | lParam | A_EventInfo | A_GuiX | A_GuiY"

    VarSetCapacity( MSG, 48, 0 )
    Loop, Parse, Vars, |, %A_Space%
    NumPut( %A_LoopField%, MSG, ( A_Index-1 ) * A_PtrSize )

    Loop 2
    r := DllCall( TranslateAccelerator, UInt,pipa, UInt,&MSG )
    Until wParam != 9 || WEB.document.activeElement != ""

    IfEqual, R, 0, Return, 0

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