오토핫키 커뮤니티

조회 수 212 추천 0 댓글 3
#SingleInstance force
for Disk in ComObjGet("winmgmts:").ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_DiskDrive where interfacetype = ""USB""")
DeviceId := Disk.PNPDeviceID
StringSplit DeviceProperties, DeviceId, \&
SerialNumber := DeviceProperties6 ; The sixth element of the array contains the serial number
MsgBox %SerialNumber%

D: 를 함수로넘겼을때 D의 고유코드를 리턴받고싶습니다. (지금은 꼽힌 모든USB를 다 가져옵니다.)
추가로 description/VenderID/ProductID도 가져올수있나요? (사례를 원하시면 드릴수있습니다.)

여기들어가시면 USB정보보는 포터블프로그램이있습니다.  참고!

  • profile
    모노레인 2016.03.10 02:37
    #SingleInstance force
    SetBatchLines -1
    ListLines Off

    oDevice := GetUSBInfo("F")

    MsgBox, % "Name:`t`t" oDevice.Name
            . "`nCaption:`t`t" oDevice.Caption
            . "`nDescription:`t" oDevice.Description
            . "`nInterfaceType:`t" oDevice.InterfaceType
            . "`nSerialNumber:`t" oDevice.SerialNumber

    GetDrive(sDrive) {
        wmi := ComObjGet("winmgmts:")
        for LogicalDisk in wmi.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition") {
            if InStr(LogicalDisk.Dependent, sDrive) {
                for Partition in wmi.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition") {
                    if (Partition.Dependent = LogicalDisk.Antecedent) {
                        Start := InStr(Partition.Antecedent, """") + 1
                        return SubStr(Partition.Antecedent, Start, -1)

    GetUSBInfo(sDrive) {
        oUSBInfo    := {}
        sDeviceID    := GetDrive(sDrive)
        for objItem in ComObjGet("winmgmts:").ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_DiskDrive  where DeviceId = """ sDeviceID """") { 
            oUSBInfo.Name            := objItem.Name
            oUSBInfo.Model           := objItem.Model
            oUSBInfo.DeviceID        := objItem.DeviceID
            oUSBInfo.Caption         := objItem.Caption
            oUSBInfo.Description     := objItem.Description
            oUSBInfo.InterfaceType   := objItem.InterfaceType
            oUSBInfo.SerialNumber    := objItem.SerialNumber
        return oUSBInfo
  • profile
    모노레인 2016.03.10 08:52

    VenderID/ProductID 가져오는 건 못찾았네요.

  • cjh71 2016.03.11 04:02
    wmic diskdrive where "mediatype='removable media'" get model, PNPdeviceID
    wmic로 해결! 감사합니다!

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