오토핫키 커뮤니티

이걸 whichfile을 통해 스샷말고 사용자가 올리는 사진을 대신 imgur에 올리도록 개조할 수도 있을까요??

근데 소스가 오래되서 그런지 oauth가 안 먹히네요..?

익명으로밖에 올릴 수 없을까요?


< ZIZORZ > (Heritage: ScreenCapture (Sean), ScreenClipping (Learning One), ScreenClipping (Sumon), ScreenClipper (Sumon), Zizor (Sumon), Zizorz (Sumon) - due to correct grammar & SEO


      Script Function:

      Copy, save or upload a part of the screen as an image.  


Version: 0.94 

Author: Simon Str책lberg [sumon @ Autohotkey forums, simon . stralberg @ gmail . com]

    Based on: Learning one's ScreenClipping with inspiration from Zonanic, Sean & more...  [History: http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=49950]

Autohotkey version: AHK_L (ANSI!) <--- Due to the image function


- Notify.ahk by gwarble & more [http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=48668]

        - httpQuery [http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/topic33506.html]



        - v1.2 Uploads to http://imgur.com, oAuth support, improved DragBox(), default directory changed, full file name is returned, GDIP, code cleanup

        - v 0.94(b) Added notification disable/enable

        - v 0.94 (20110409) Added Settings & Help (NICE GUI), cleaned up some unneeded functions, renamed to Zizorz, added Winkey support, changed hotkeys (Leftclick again)

- v 0.9 (20110407) Added version numbers, removed httpQuery (added requirement)

- v 0.x Changed mousebutton, made sure it worked in Ansi, fixed GUI

        - v 0.xx Added sounds


LICENSE: If no license documentation exists, [http://www.autohotkey.net/~sumon/license.html]

Script created using Autohotkey [http://www.autohotkey.com]


#Include <GDIP>

SetBatchLines, 10ms

#SingleInstance force

SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

pToken := gdip_startup()

If !pToken

   throw Exception("Gdip could not start up.")

; A full imagelistcheck

IncludeImages := "exit.ico|feedback.ico|filedir.ico|key.ico|help.ico|notification.ico|save.ico|settings.ico|shortcut.ico|zizorz.ico|zizorz_header.jpg"

Loop, Parse, IncludeImages, |


   If (!FileExist("data\img\" A_LoopField))


      Gosub, Install




IniRead, ImgFolder, data\ZizorzSettings.ini, Folder, Path, PrintScreens

IniRead, Notification, data\ZizorzSettings.ini, Notification, Enabled, 1

If (!ImgFolder)


   RegRead, MyPictures, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders, My Pictures ; looks for Pictures folderlocation

   ImgFolder := MyPictures ? MyPictures "\Screenshots" : "data\PrintScreens"


IfNotExist, %ImgFolder%

   FileCreateDir, %ImgFolder%

Menu, Tray, Icon, data\img\Zizorz.ico

Menu, Tray, NoStandard

Menu, Tray, Tip, Zizorz`nRight-click to open menu

Menu, Tray, Add, Settings

   Menu, Tray, Icon, Settings, data\img\settings.ico,, 32

Menu, Tray, Add, Help, GuiHelp

   Menu, Tray, Icon, Help, data\img\help.ico,, 32

Menu, Tray, Add, Feedback

   Menu, Tray, Icon, Feedback, data\img\feedback.ico,,32

Menu, Tray, Add, Exit

   Menu, Tray, Icon, Exit, data\img\exit.ico,, 32

If (Notification != 0)

   NotifyID := Notify("Zizorz:", "Hold a modifier and drag to capture`n[+Shift] Upload`n[+Ctrl] Copy`n[+Alt] File`n[+Win]Capture window", 8,, "data\img\Zizorz.ico")

; ======== Hotkeys ========

Hotkey, *+LButton, UploadClip ; Shift (Upload)

Hotkey, *^LButton, CopyClip ; Ctrl (Clipboard)

Hotkey, *!LButton, SaveClip ; Alt (File)

Hotkey, F1, Settings

Hotkey, F2, Settings

SetSystemCursor("IDC_Cross") ; To show that you can click-drag, and give better precision

Sleep 8000

If (!ClipType)

   Traytip, Zizorz:, Need help? Press F1 to access help & settings, 16, 1


~Esc:: Gosub, Exit


;=== Define type of clipping =========================================================================




ClipType := {SaveClip: "Save",   UploadClip: "Upload", CopyClip: "Copy"  }[A_ThisLabel]

;=== Clipdrag, "Main function" =========================================================================


;~ SetTimer, NotifyOff, -500 ; Doesn't really work all too well

If (GetKeyState("LWin")) ; If LWin was also being held


   ; Capture current window

   MouseGetPos,,, MouseWin

   pbitmap := gdip_bitmapFromHWND(MouseWin)

   win_Flash(MouseWin, "b85bea")

   Gosub, ClipDragDone



db := DragBox() ; Hold mouse and drag to select area to capture

; Disable all hotkeys when done

Hotkey, *+LButton, Off ; Shift (Upload)

Hotkey, *^LButton, Off ; Ctrl (Clipboard)

Hotkey, *!LButton, Off ; Alt (File)


Area := db["X1"] "|" db["Y1"] "|" db["W"] "|" db["H"] ; _BitMapFromScreen(Area) does not accept an object as input

If (db["Hotkey"])

   ClipType := {Alt: "Save",   Shift: "Upload", Ctrl: "Copy" }[db["Hotkey"]]

Sleep, 50   ; if omitted, GUI sometimes stays in picture

pBitmap := gdip_BitmapFromScreen(Area)

If (pBitmap = -1)

   throw Exception(Area " was passed incorrectly to gdip_BitmapFromScreen")

; <<<<<<<<<<<<<< This is where the three different cliptypes go different ways >>>>>>>>>


If FileExist("data\sounds\scissors.wav")

   SoundPlay, data\sounds\scissors.wav

If (ClipType = "Copy") ; Copy


   Traytip, Zizorz:, Copied to clipboard, 3 ; Maybe a preview or something?



else ; File or Upload


   ; Find an available filename.


   IfNotExist, %ImgFolder%

      FileCreateDir, %ImgFolder%

   start := 1

   While FileExist(NewFileName := imgfolder . "\img_" . SubStr("000" . start, -2) . ".jpg")


   ; Capture screenshot.

   If (errorcode := gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(pBitmap, NewFileName, 100)){

      throw Exception(Errorcode " recieved when saving to file " NewFileName)



   If (ClipType = "Save") ; SAVE: If we just wanted to save an image, we are done now :)


      If FileExist(newFileName)


            SplitPath, newFileName, shortName, OutDir

            Notify("File saved:", shortName, 4)

            Clipboard := newFileName ; Saves the filename to clipboard

            Sleep 4000




         Traytip, Zizorz:, Error. File %NewFileName% could not be created`nErrorCode: %ErrorCode%, 4 ; Something went wrong in creating file

         Sleep 10000


      Gosub, Exit


   ; Else ClipType = "Upload"


   ; --------------


   ; --------------

      Gosub, oAuthCheck

      Anonymous_API_Key := "[Not included]"

      image_file := newFileName


      image_url := Imgur_Upload( image_file )

      ;~ image_url := Imgur_Upload( image_file, Anonymous_API_Key, xml )

      ;~ FileAppend, % XML_MakePretty( xml ), % info_file := RegexReplace( image_file, ".*\K\..*", "-Imgur Info.txt" )

      If (Notification)

         Notify("Uploaded!", (Clipboard := image_url), 4)

      If ( image_url ){

         SoundPlay, data\sounds\drop.wav

         Sleep 5000 ; gives time to read upload notice



         throw Exception("Error, please see " . info_file)

      gosub Exit


Sleep 3000

Gosub, Exit


NotifyOff: ; Trigger this when starting to drag

Gui, %NotifyID%:Hide

;~ Notify("","",0,"Wait",NotifyID) ; Notification OFF - it's memory requiring, so...


;=== ImageSave (& ImageUpload) =========================================================


; === Settings ======

#Include %A_ScriptDir%\lib\Feedback.ahk ; Feedback, FeedbackSubmit, FeedbackSendEmail, return


If WinExist("Zizorz Settings")


   WinActivate, Zizorz Settings ; Just activate it again, no need to redraw



RestoreCursors() ; For normal cursor at GUI

Gui, Settings: Default

Gui, Destroy

Gui, Color, FFffFF

Gui, Font, s10, Verdana

Gui, Add, Pic, x0 gGuiDrag, data\img\zizorz_header.jpg

AddGraphicButton("ChangeDir", "data\img\filedir.ico", "x10 w40 h40 gGuiChangeDir")

StringRight, DisplayDir, ImgFolder, 30

Gui, Add, Text, x60 yp+10 vImgFolder w250, {... %DisplayDir%}

AddGraphicButton("CreateShortCut", "data\img\shortcut.ico", "x10 w40 h40 gGuiCreateShortcut")

Gui, Add, Text, x60 yp+10 w250, Create a shortcut && hotkey for Zizorz

IniRead, Notification, data\ZizorzSettings.ini, Notification, Enabled, 1

AddGraphicButton("APIKey", "data\img\key.ico", "x10 w40 h40 gGuiAPI")

API_Display := (Imgur_AccountName()) ? ("imgur user: " Imgur_AccountName()) : "[ No imgur API key ]"

Gui, Add, Text, x60 yp+10 w250, %API_Display%

AddGraphicButton("Notification", "data\img\notification.ico", "x10 w40 h40 gGuiToggleNotification")

NotificationDisplay := ((Notification = 1)?"enabled":"disabled")

Gui, Add, Text, x60 yp+10 w250 vNotificationDisplay, Notification %Notificationdisplay%

AddGraphicButton("Feedback", "data\img\feedback.ico", "x10 w40 h40 gFeedback")

Gui, Add, Text, x60 yp+10 w250, Feedback && support

AddGraphicButton("HelpButton", "data\img\help.ico", "x200 w40 h40 gGuiHelp")

AddGraphicButton("ExitButton", "data\img\exit.ico", "x245 yp w40 h40 gGuiClose")

AddGraphicButton("SaveButton", "data\img\save.ico", "x290 yp w40 h40 gGuiSubmit default")

Gui, -Caption +Border

Gui, Show,, Zizorz Settings



MsgBox, 35, Change imgur account?, Do you want to authenticate with another imgur user?

IfMsgBox, Yes


   FileDelete, data\Zizorz_oAuth.ini

   If FileExist(A_WinDir "\Media\Speech Off.wav")

      SoundPlay, %A_WinDir%\Media\Speech Off.wav

   Sleep 1000





If (Notification = 1)

   Notification := 0


   Notification := 1

SoundPlay, data\sounds\click.wav

NotificationDisplay := ((Notification = 1)?"enabled":"disabled")

GuiControl,, NotificationDisplay, Notification %NotificationDisplay%



MsgBox, 32, Zizorz help, Zizorz is a tool to create`, save & upload images quickly and intuitively`, making it easier to create & share content with others.`nZizorz?? was made by Simon Str책lberg in 2011 using Autohotkey (http://www.autohotkey.com)`n`nTo capture an area`, hold and drag the left mouse button. To capture a window`, hold the windows (#) key and leftclick. Depending on what modifier you use (you must use one)`, you can achieve one of following three options:`n`n[ + Shift ] Upload to imageshack.us`n[ + Ctrl ] Copy to clipboard`n[ + Alt ] Save as a file in the pre-chosen folder`n`nIn cases 1 & 3`, the link to the URL respectively file folder will be in your clipboard.`n`nZizorz will not run in the background`, but instead exits when finished`, so it doesn't require memory when not used. Therefore`, it is recommended that you launch Zizorz using an applauncher such as Appifyer??.



FileSelectFolder, ImgFolder, *ImgFolder, 3, Select the folder that your saved images will go to

If Errorlevel


StringRight, DisplayDir, ImgFolder, 30

GuiControl,, ImgFolder, {... %DisplayDir%}



FileCreateShortcut, %A_ScriptDir%\%A_ScriptName%, %A_Desktop%\Zizorz.lnk, %A_ScriptDir%,, Launch Zizorz, %A_ScriptDir%\data\img\Zizorz.ico, Z

SoundPlay, data\sounds\click.wav

MsgBox, 65, Shortcut created, Created a shortcut for Zizorz?? on your desktop.`nAdded the default hotkey Ctrl+Alt+Z to launch Zizorz.`nYou may change the hotkey by editing the shortcut.`n`nTip: If you use Appifyer?? (made by the same author as Zizorz)`, you can define your own hotkey for any file or app. Do you want to check out Appifyer.com?

IfMsgBox, OK

   Run http://www.appifyer.com



Gui, Settings:Destroy

Hotkey, F1, Off ; Can't reenable Help upon exiting

Gosub, Exit



Gui, Submit

Hotkey, F1, Off ; Can't reenable Help upon exiting

IniWrite, %ImgFolder%, data\ZizorzSettings.ini, Folder, Path

IniWrite, %Notification%, data\ZizorzSettings.ini, Notification, Enabled



PostMessage, 0xA1, 2,,, A


; === Extra subroutines ======================

; Change if you want to have it running constantly


Gui, Install:Default

gui, font, s10, Verdana  ; Set 10-point Verdana.

Gui, Add, Text, vInstallText, This is the first time you run Zizorz! `n`nExtract required data to "/data" directory?

Gui, Add, Button, x10 w125 h40 gInstallFiles default, Sure!

Gui, Add, Button, x135 w125 yp h40 gExit, No thanks!

Gui, -Caption +Border

Gui, Color, ffFFff

Gui, Show,, Extract files?

WinWaitClose, Extract files?,, 30 ; Wait max 30s



IfNotExist, % IniFile := "data\Zizorz_oAuth.ini"

   FileAppend, [Imgur: OAuth Endpoints]`n

   ( LTRIM




      [Imgur: OAuth Tokens]





      [Script Settings]

   ), % IniFile

OAuth_ConsumerKey(        IniRead( IniFile, "Imgur: OAuth Tokens", "Consumer_Key"    ) )

OAuth_ConsumerSecret(     IniRead( IniFile, "Imgur: OAuth Tokens", "Consumer_Secret" ) )

OAuth_TokenSecret(        IniRead( IniFile, "Imgur: OAuth Tokens", "Token_Secret"    ) )

OAuth_Token(              IniRead( IniFile, "Imgur: OAuth Tokens", "Access_Token"    ) )

; If there IS an OAuth token already available, use a simple GET function to test it.

If !OAuth_Token() || !( Account_Name := Imgur_AccountName() )


   ; Either there is no existing token, or it's invalid. Either way, we have to get a new token.


   ; Acquire a request token.

   If !( Request_Token := OAuth_RequestToken( IniRead( IniFile, "Imgur: OAuth Endpoints", "Request_Token_Endpoint" ) ) )


      MsgBox, 16, Imgur API: Critical Error, % ""

      . "For some reason`, a request token could not be obtained. This script will exit."

      . "`nLast Response: " OAuth_LastResponse()




   ; Open the authorization page in the user's default browser.

   Run, % IniRead( IniFile, "Imgur: OAuth Endpoints", "Authorize_Endpoint" ) "?oauth_token=" Request_Token


   ; Display a custom prompt for the user to copy/paste the verifier code after authorizing the script.

   Notify("Zizorz > imgur", "Zizorz will use imgur to upload your image.`nPlease authenticate by following the instructions", 8,, "data\img\Zizorz.ico")

   If !( verifier := OAuth_PromptUserForOOBVerifier() )

      Exitapp ; user cancelled... we're done


   ; Acquire an access token

   Access_Token := OAuth_AccessToken( IniRead( IniFile, "Imgur: OAuth Endpoints", "Access_Token_Endpoint" ), verifier )

   If !( Account_Name := Imgur_AccountName() )


      MsgBox, 16, Imgur API: Critical Error, % ""

      . "There was a problem verifying the access token. This script will exit."

      . "`nLast Response: " OAuth_LastResponse()



   ; Store the token and secret in the config.ini for future use. NOTE: tokens should be encrypted for storage.

   IniWrite, % Access_Token, % IniFile, Imgur: OAuth Tokens, Access_Token

   IniWrite, % OAuth_TokenSecret(), % IniFile, Imgur: OAuth Tokens, Token_Secret


   If FileExist(A_Windir "\Media\tada.wav")


SoundPlay, %A_WinDir%\Media\tada.wav, wait

Sleep 1000


   StringUpper, Account_Name, Account_Name, T

   Notify("Account added", "Welcome, " Account_Name, 4)


StringUpper, Account_Name, Account_Name, T

return ; Finished with oAuthCheck


GuiControl,, InstallText, Extracting...

GuiControl, Disable, Sure!

GuiControl, Disable, No thanks!

Traytip, Zizorz:, Extracting files..., 3

   FileCreateDir, Data   

      FileInstall, data\ZizorzSettings_default.ini, data\ZizorzSettings.ini

   FileCreateDir, Data\sounds

      FileInstall, data\sounds\scissors.wav, data\sounds\scissors.wav

      FileInstall, data\sounds\click.wav, data\sounds\click.wav

      FileInstall, data\sounds\drop.wav, data\sounds\drop.wav

   FileCreateDir, Data\img

   FileInstall, data\img\Zizorz.ico, data\img\Zizorz.ico

   FileInstall, data\img\exit.ico, data\img\exit.ico

   FileInstall, data\img\filedir.ico, data\img\filedir.ico

   FileInstall, data\img\key.ico, data\img\key.ico

   FileInstall, data\img\shortcut.ico, data\img\shortcut.ico

   FileInstall, data\img\save.ico, data\img\save.ico

   FileInstall, data\img\save.ico, data\img\settings.ico

   FileInstall, data\img\help.ico, data\img\help.ico

   FileInstall, data\img\feedback.ico, data\img\feedback.ico

   FileInstall, data\img\notification.ico, data\img\notification.ico

   FileInstall, data\img\zizorz_header.jpg, data\img\zizorz_header.jpg


Traytip, Zizorz:, Done!, 1

Gui, Install:Submit



RestoreCursors() ; If unexpected exit


Sleep 1500




Imgur_Upload( image_file ) { ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------

; Uploads one image to the user's Imgur account and returns the URL of the image.

   Static EndPoint := "http://api.imgur.com/2/upload.xml"

   FileGetSize, size, % image_file

   FileRead, data, % "*c " image_file

   headers := OAuth_HeaderAuth( EndPoint, "", "POST" )

   . "`n" . "Content-Length: " size

   . "`n" . "Content-Type: application/octet-stream"

   HTTPRequest( EndPoint, data, headers, "Callback: Imgur_Progress" )

   OAuth_LastResponse( EndPoint ), OAuth_LastResponse( data ), OAuth_LastResponse( headers )

   StringGetPos, pos, data, <hash>

   If !( ErrorLevel )

      Return "https://i.imgur.com/" SubStr( data, pos + 7, Instr( data, "</hash>", 0, pos + 6 ) - pos - 7 ) ".jpg"

   Else Return "" ; error: see response

} ; Imgur_Upload( image_file ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------

/* Anon Upload 

Imgur_Upload( image_file, Anonymous_API_Key, byref output_XML="" ) { ; -----------------------------

; Uploads one image file to Imgur via the anonymous API and returns the URL to the image.

; To acquire an anonymous API key, please register at http://imgur.com/register/api_anon.

; This function was written by [VxE] and relies on the HTTPRequest function, also by [VxE].

; HTTPRequest can be found at http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=73040

   Static Imgur_Upload_Endpoint := "http://api.imgur.com/2/upload.xml"

   FileGetSize, size, % image_file

   FileRead, output_XML, % "*c " image_file

   If HTTPRequest( Imgur_Upload_Endpoint "?key=" Anonymous_API_Key, output_XML

      , Response_Headers := "Content-Type: application/octet-stream`nContent-Length: " size

      , "Callback: Progress" )

   && ( pos := InStr( output_XML, "<original>" ) )

      Return SubStr( output_XML, pos + 10, Instr( output_XML, "</original>", 0, pos ) - pos - 10 )

   Else Return "" ; error: see response

} ; Imgur_Upload( image_path, Anonymous_API_Key, byref output_XML="" ) -----------------------------


Progress( pct, total ) {

   If ( pct = "" )


   Else If ( pct < 0 )

      Tooltip, % "Uploading... " Round( 100 * ( pct + 1 ), 1 ) "%", 0, 0

   Else If ( 0 <= pct )

      Tooltip, % "Done!", 0, 0


Imgur_AccountName() { ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; Returns the name (url) of the account that has authorized this script.

   Static EndPoint := "http://api.imgur.com/2/account.xml"

   headers := OAuth_HeaderAuth( EndPoint, "", "GET" )

   HTTPRequest( EndPoint, data := "", headers )

   OAuth_LastResponse( EndPoint ), OAuth_LastResponse( data ), OAuth_LastResponse( headers )

   StringGetPos, pos, data, <url>

   If ( ErrorLevel )

      Return "" ; failure

   StringTrimLeft, data, data, pos + 5

   Return SubStr( data, 1, InStr( data, "<" ) - 1 )

} ; Imgur_AccountName() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

XML_MakePretty( XML, Tab="`t" ) { ; ----------------------------------------------------------------

; Function by [VxE]. Adds newlines and tabs between XML tags to give human-friendly arrangement to

; an XML stream. 'Tab' contains the string to use as an indentation unit (it may be more readable to

; use 2 or 3 spaces instead of a full tab... so it's up to you!).

   oel := ErrorLevel, PrevCloseTag := 0, tabs := "", tablen := StrLen( tab )

   StringLen, pos, XML

   Loop, Parse, XML, <, % "`t`r`n "

      If ( A_Index = 1 )

         VarSetCapacity( XML, pos, 0 )



         StringGetPos, pos, A_LoopField, >

         StringMid, b, A_LoopField, pos, 1

         StringLeft, a, A_LoopField, 1

         If !( OpenTag := a != "/" ) * ( CloseTag := a = "/" || a = "!" || a = "?" || b = "/" )

            StringTrimRight, tabs, tabs, tablen

         XML .= ( OpenTag || PrevCloseTag ? tabs : "" ) "<" A_LoopField

         If !( PrevCloseTag := CloseTag ) * OpenTag

            tabs := ( tabs = "" ? "`n" : tabs ) tab


   Return XML, ErrorLevel := oel

} ; XML_MakePretty( XML, Tab="`t" ) ----------------------------------------------------------------




   DllCall( "SystemParametersInfo", UInt,SPI_SETCURSORS, UInt,0, UInt,0, UInt,0 )


SetSystemCursor( Cursor = "", cx = 0, cy = 0 )


   BlankCursor := 0, SystemCursor := 0, FileCursor := 0 ; init


   SystemCursors = 32512IDC_ARROW,32513IDC_IBEAM,32514IDC_WAIT,32515IDC_CROSS





   If Cursor = ; empty, so create blank cursor 


      VarSetCapacity( AndMask, 32*4, 0xFF ), VarSetCapacity( XorMask, 32*4, 0 )

      BlankCursor = 1 ; flag for later


   Else If SubStr( Cursor,1,4 ) = "IDC_" ; load system cursor


      Loop, Parse, SystemCursors, `,


         CursorName := SubStr( A_Loopfield, 6, 15 ) ; get the cursor name, no trailing space with substr

         CursorID := SubStr( A_Loopfield, 1, 5 ) ; get the cursor id

         SystemCursor = 1

         If ( CursorName = Cursor )


            CursorHandle := DllCall( "LoadCursor", Uint,0, Int,CursorID )   




      If CursorHandle = ; invalid cursor name given


         Msgbox,, SetCursor, Error: Invalid cursor name

         CursorHandle = Error



   Else If FileExist( Cursor )


      SplitPath, Cursor,,, Ext ; auto-detect type

      If Ext = ico 

         uType := 0x1   

      Else If Ext in cur,ani

         uType := 0x2      

      Else ; invalid file ext


         Msgbox,, SetCursor, Error: Invalid file type

         CursorHandle = Error


      FileCursor = 1




      Msgbox,, SetCursor, Error: Invalid file path or cursor name

      CursorHandle = Error ; raise for later


   If CursorHandle != Error 


      Loop, Parse, SystemCursors, `,


         If BlankCursor = 1 


            Type = BlankCursor

            %Type%%A_Index% := DllCall( "CreateCursor"

            , Uint,0, Int,0, Int,0, Int,32, Int,32, Uint,&AndMask, Uint,&XorMask )

            CursorHandle := DllCall( "CopyImage", Uint,%Type%%A_Index%, Uint,0x2, Int,0, Int,0, Int,0 )

            DllCall( "SetSystemCursor", Uint,CursorHandle, Int,SubStr( A_Loopfield, 1, 5 ) )


         Else If SystemCursor = 1


            Type = SystemCursor

            CursorHandle := DllCall( "LoadCursor", Uint,0, Int,CursorID )   

            %Type%%A_Index% := DllCall( "CopyImage"

            , Uint,CursorHandle, Uint,0x2, Int,cx, Int,cy, Uint,0 )      

            CursorHandle := DllCall( "CopyImage", Uint,%Type%%A_Index%, Uint,0x2, Int,0, Int,0, Int,0 )

            DllCall( "SetSystemCursor", Uint,CursorHandle, Int,SubStr( A_Loopfield, 1, 5 ) )


         Else If FileCursor = 1


            Type = FileCursor

            %Type%%A_Index% := DllCall( "LoadImageA"

            , UInt,0, Str,Cursor, UInt,uType, Int,cx, Int,cy, UInt,0x10 ) 

            DllCall( "SetSystemCursor", Uint,%Type%%A_Index%, Int,SubStr( A_Loopfield, 1, 5 ) )         





win_Flash(FlashID="", Color="c0edeb") ; Optionally enter Win ID & color (HEX). Default is active window


 If (!FlashID)

  WinGet, FlashID, ID, A

 WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, ahk_id %FlashID%

 Gui, 15: Default

 Gui, Destroy

 Gui, +AlwaysOnTop -caption +Border +ToolWindow +LastFound

 Gui, Color, %Color%

 WinSet, Transparent, 0

 Gui, Show, x%X% y%Y% w%w% h%h%


 Loop, 25


  Sleep 15

  T += 2

  WinSet, Transparent, %T% 


 Loop, 25


  Sleep 15

  T -= 2

  WinSet, Transparent, %T% 


 Gui, Destroy



DragBox(ByRef OutX1="", ByRef OutY1="", ByRef OutX2="", ByRef OutY2="", Byref OutW="", ByRef OutH="", Color="FFFFFF") ; By nimda, modified by sumon to add return-object and modifier-color-support


   If InStr(OutX1, "Color")

      Color := SubStr(OutX1, -5, 6) ; Get the last 6 digits of Color, format would then be "Color:#80AAE3" f.ex.

   CoordMode Mouse

   MouseGetPos oX, oY

   Gui New

   Gui +alwaysontop -Caption +Border +ToolWindow +LastFound


   Gui, Color, %Color%

   If (Color = "0000FF") ; Set no color to make the box transparent

  WinSet, TransColor, 0000FF 


WinSet, Transparent, 50 ; Else Add transparency

   While GetKeyState("LButton", "P")


  MouseGetPos cX, cY

  H := abs(oY-cY), W := abs(oX-cX)

  ,GuiX := oX, GuiY := oY

  If ( cY < oY )

GuiY := cY

  If ( cX < oX )

GuiX := cX


      If GetKeyState("LCtrl") AND GetKeyState("LShift") 

         Color := "00eabb", Hotkey := "CtrlShift" ; Azure

      else if GetKeyState("LCtrl") AND GetKeyState("LAlt")

         Color := "f9ff0d", Hotkey := "CtrlAlt"  ; Yellow/Green

      else if GetKeyState("LShift")

         Color := "3A90FF", Hotkey := "Shift" ; Light blue

      else if GetKeyState("LCtrl")

         Color := "2de712", Hotkey := "Ctrl" ; Green

      else if GetKeyState("LAlt")

         Color := "F6C912", Hotkey := "Alt" ; Yellow


         Color := "FFFFFF", Hotkey := ""


      Gui, Color, %Color%


  Gui Show, w%W% h%H% x%GuiX% y%GuiY% NoActivate


   Gui Cancel

   OutX1 := oX < cX ? oX : cX

, OutY1 := oY < cY ? oY : cY

, OutX2 := oX > cX ? oX : cX

, OutY2 := oY > cY ? oY : cY

, OutW := OutX2 - OutX1

, OutH := OutY2 - OutY1

,   OutHotkey := Hotkey

   obj := {X1: OutX1, X2: OutX2, Y1: OutY1, Y2: OutY2, W: OutW, H: OutH, Hotkey: OutHotkey} ; Optionally return an object

   return obj


IniRead( Filename, Section, Key, Default=" " ) {

   IniRead, OutputVar, % Filename, % Section, % Key, % Default

   Return OutputVar




 *                           END OF FILE



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