매크로 쭉 보면 아래 적어놓은 부분이 친구, 팝업 같은데
어딜 수정하란건지 잘모르겠네요ㅠㅠ
//55000원 팝업
var #popx 340
var #popy 157
var #popc 2003406
//110000원 팝업
var #pop1x 351
var #pop1y 160
var #pop1c 4400054
//모험 여관
var #mainx 454
var #mainy 641
var #mainc 2819719
//친구 선택 창
var #ax 441
var #ay 252
var #ac 15527148
if #r1 < #r and #r < #r2 and #g1 < #g and #g < #g2 and #b1 < #b and #b < #b2
toast 사냥 입장 친구 선택
sleep 500
touchpress 0 #friendx #friendy
sleep 500
touchpress 0 33 448
sleep 500
touchpress 0 169 410
sleep 500
touchpress 0 457 788
sleep 1000
if #r1 < #r and #r < #r2 and #g1 < #g and #g < #g2 and #b1 < #b and #b < #b2
toast 팝업
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 46 450
sleep 500
touchpress 0 46 450
sleep 500
touchpress 0 46 450
sleep 500
touchpress 0 46 450
sleep 500
touchpress 0 46 450
sleep 500
touchpress 0 46 450
sleep 500
touchpress 0 46 450
sleep 500
touchpress 0 456 782
sleep 500
//55000원 팝업 확인
sleep 100
getcolor #color #popx #popy
#r = #color % 256
#g = #color / 256 % 256
#b = #color / 256 / 256 % 256
#r1 = #popc % 256 - #er_m
#g1 = #popc / 256 % 256 - #er_m
#b1 = #popc / 256 / 256 % 256 - #er_m
#r2 = #popc % 256 + #er_p
#g2 = #popc / 256 % 256 + #er_p
#b2 = #popc / 256 / 256 % 256 + #er_p
sleep 50
if #r1 < #r and #r < #r2 and #g1 < #g and #g < #g2 and #b1 < #b and #b < #b2
toast 팝업 취소
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 50 312
sleep 300
touchpress 0 158 483
sleep 300
goto :main
//110000원 팝업 확인
sleep 100
getcolor #color #pop1x #pop1y
#r = #color % 256
#g = #color / 256 % 256
#b = #color / 256 / 256 % 256
#r1 = #pop1c % 256 - #er_m
#g1 = #pop1c / 256 % 256 - #er_m
#b1 = #pop1c / 256 / 256 % 256 - #er_m
#r2 = #pop1c % 256 + #er_p
#g2 = #pop1c / 256 % 256 + #er_p
#b2 = #pop1c / 256 / 256 % 256 + #er_p
sleep 50
if #r1 < #r and #r < #r2 and #g1 < #g and #g < #g2 and #b1 < #b and #b < #b2
toast 팝업 취소
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 50 312
sleep 300
touchpress 0 158 483
sleep 300
goto :main