히로매크로 커뮤니티

2015.04.28 18:31

[별되][Note3 1080X1920][티켓작]

조회 수 425 추천 3 댓글 9
공개를 할까 말까 고민하다 강좌 진행용으로 공개 합니다.?

기본적으로 동료창이 꽉차도 계속 진행을 하도록 만들어 놨습니다.?
시작시 아이디로 지정할 부분은 원하는 아이디를 복사 하신 후 진행 하시면 되겠습니다.?
#stageend ?몇번째 던전까지 돌것인지
#afterkeyfin 신발을 다 쓴 후 몇번째 던전까지 돌것인지?
#event 이벤트템 먹은것을 창고로 옮길지(1) 말지(0)
#keybuysel 신발을 살지(1) 말지(0)
설정에 맞게 설정해 주시면 되겠습니다.?
뭐..... 패치 후 부터 지금까지 오류 나는것은 다 수정했고 정상 작동하는것 확인했습니다.?

저랑 환경이 안 맞으면 아이디 붙여 넣기 할때 문제가 생길수도 있는데?
혹시 문제가 생기신다면?
var #붙여넣기x 666
var #붙여넣기y 111
이 부분을 자신의 환경에 맞게 수정해 주시면됩니다.

문제점에 대한 해결은 드릴수 있지만 공개한 스크립트에서 수정은 없습니다. !

이번은 Note3 1080X1920 입니다.?

DEVICE: SM-N900 4.4.2
SCREEN_SIZE: 1080x1920
//스테이지 돌곳까지 event = 이벤트템 창고
var #stageend 4
var #afterkeyfin 4
var #event 1
var #keybuysel 0
var #enterx 64
var #entery 1765
var #inven 0
var #stage 1
var #debugmod 1
var #page 1
var #offset 12
//색값 보정 관련 변수 추가 -------------------------------------
var #result1 0
var #result2 0
var #result3 0
var #result4 0
var #result5 0
var #compcolor1 0
var #compcolor2 0
var #compcolor3 0
var #compcolor4 0
var #compcolor5 0
var #compcolor21 0
var #compcolor31 0
var #compcolor41 0
var #originalcolor1 0
var #originalcolor2 0
var #originalcolor3 0
var #originalcolor4 0
var #originalcolor5 0
var #r 0
var #g 0
var #b 0
var #tempcolor 0
var #tempcolorhigh 0
var #tempcolorlow 0
var #goto 0
var #color 0
var #colorexit 0
var #color1 0
var #color2 0
var #color3 0
var #color4 0
var #color5 0
var #캐릭터선택x1 950
var #캐릭터선택y1 250
var #캐릭터선택c1 4224932
var #캐릭터선택x2 140
var #캐릭터선택y2 450
var #캐릭터선택c2 6586260
var #캐릭터선택x3 140
var #캐릭터선택y3 1060
var #캐릭터선택c3 9488348
var #시작x 140
var #시작y 450
var #다음x 130
var #다음y 1570
var #이전x 130
var #이전y 1190
var #빈칸확인x1 920
var #빈칸확인x2 761
var #빈칸확인x3 602
var #빈칸확인x4 443
var #빈칸확인x5 284
var #빈칸확인y 1050
var #빈칸 5074049
var #캐릭터이름x1 930
var #캐릭터이름y1 310
var #캐릭터이름x2 930
var #캐릭터이름y2 110
var #캐릭터이름x3 484
var #캐릭터이름y3 508
var #붙여넣기x 666
var #붙여넣기y 111
var #케릭터선택창x 80
var #케릭터선택창y 1000
var #튜토리얼x1 980
var #튜토리얼y 110
var #튜토리얼x2 540
var #튜토리얼x3 110
var #black 0
var #삭제x 119
var #삭제y 264
var #가방x 110
var #가방y 286
var #포션x 445
var #포션y 55
var #창고x 142
var #창고y 1755
var #보관x 100
var #보관y 1717

var #11x 890
var #11y 990
var #12x 890
var #12y 1189
var #13x 890
var #13y 1387
var #14x 890
var #14y 1586

var #pupple 16725918
var #orange 2332159
var #red 794579

var #invenc 4620961
var #selectx 590
var #selecty 990

var #뒤로x 142
var #뒤로y 81
var #뒤로c 6909137

var #모험시작x 100
var #모험시작y 1815

var #아레나x 130
var #아레나y 870
var #아레나c 1020084

var #월드맵x 1023
var #월드맵y 790
var #월드맵c 8244963

var #101x1 263
var #101y1 816
var #101x2 230
var #101y2 816

var #dunx 971
var #duny 773
var #duncolor 5093337
var #dunx2 890
var #duny2 754
var #duncolor2 5026774

var #메뉴x 130
var #메뉴y 250
var #메뉴c 4493185

var #설정x 253
var #설정y 59

var #스킵x 93
var #스킵y 1805
var #확인x 371
var #확인y 1194

var #여관확인x 142
var #여관확인y1 750
var #여관확인y2 1120
var #여관확인y3 935
var #여관확인y4 177
var #여관확인y5 470
var #배너취소c 6778547
var #배너구매c 7898001
var #배너확인c 8095635
var #여관c1 6445867
var #여관c2 200728
var #설정c 238330

var #1rx 740
var #1ry 637
var #2rx 740
var #2ry 852
var #3rx 740
var #3ry 1067
var #4rx 492
var #4ry 1067
var #5rx 492
var #5ry 1067

var #동료창x 110
var #동료창y 115

// 장비 창 확인 버튼 bagc=인벤 꽉참 bcf=전단계 안깸 #dunclicky 는 인벤 무시 #dunclicky2 는 아이템 정리?
var #dunsccx1 606
var #dunsccy1 477
var #dunsccx2 361
var #dunsccy2 881
var #dunsccx3 666
var #dunsccy3 1265
// 흰색
Var #dunsc11 16382457
// 검은색
Var #dunsc12 858403
Var #dunsc21 333923
Var #dunsc22 4944278
Var #dunsc31 858403

var #dunclickx 360
var #dunclicky 1072
var #dunclicky2 848

var #bcfx 350
var #bcfy 960
var #bcfy2 820
var #bcfy3 1100

//친구 선택
var #selfnx 799
var #selfny 1420

// 탐험 성공 색깔
var #fc 3948608
var #fcx 94
var #fcy 202
var #dfx 372
var #dfy 975
var #scx 69
var #scy 1078
var #sc 1256514
var #scx2 365
var #scy2 1000

// 동료획득 색깔
var #gc 0
var #gcx 90
var #gcy 968

// 동료획득 탐험성공 확인
var #cfc 0
var #cfcx 94
var #cfcy 202

// 아이템 획득 수락 버튼 색깔
var #ic 1528199
var #cic 0
var #icx 90
var #icy 1100

//신발 사기
var #keybuyx 1011?
var #keybuyy 968

var #keybuy1 3357044

var #keybuy2 1921411

var #keybuycx1 744
var #keybuycy1 1414

var #keybuycx2 359
var #keybuycy2 1083
//열쇠창 나오기
var #keyoutx 997
var #keyouty 1848
var #keyout 16382457

//캐릭터 선택창 확인 -----------------------------------------
sleep 1000
getcolor #cmpcolor1 #캐릭터선택x1 #캐릭터선택y1
getcolor #cmpcolor2 #캐릭터선택x2 #캐릭터선택y2
getcolor #cmpcolor3 #캐릭터선택x3 #캐릭터선택y3
#orgcolor1 = #캐릭터선택c1
#orgcolor2 = #캐릭터선택c2
#orgcolor3 = #캐릭터선택c3
#cmpnum = 3
#goto = 1
goto :compare1234
if #result1 == 1 and #result2 == 1 and #result3 == 1
goto :chamake
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 #시작x #시작y
sleep 10000
goto :튜토리얼
sleep 500
getcolor #cmpcolor1 #여관확인x #여관확인y1
getcolor #cmpcolor2 #여관확인x #여관확인y2
getcolor #cmpcolor3 #여관확인x #여관확인y3
getcolor #cmpcolor4 #여관확인x #여관확인y4
getcolor #cmpcolor5 #여관확인x #여관확인y5
#orgcolor1 = #배너취소c
#orgcolor2 = #배너구매c
#orgcolor3 = #배너확인c
#orgcolor4 = #여관c1
#orgcolor5 = #여관c2
#cmpnum = 5
#goto = 55
goto :compare1234
sleep 1000
getcolor #cmpcolor1 #월드맵x #월드맵y
getcolor #cmpcolor2 #아레나x #아레나y
#orgcolor1 = #월드맵c
#orgcolor2 = #아레나c
#cmpnum = 2
#goto = 4
goto :compare1234
if #result2 == 1
touchpress 0 #뒤로x #뒤로y
sleep 1000
goto :월드맵
elseif #result1 == 1
touchdown 0 540 960
touchmove 0 0 0
touchup 0
touchdown 0 540 960
touchmove 0 0 0
touchup 0
touchdown 0 540 960
touchmove 0 0 0
touchup 0
sleep 400
touchdown 0 #101x1 #101y1
sleep 100
touchdown 1 #101x2 #101y2
sleep 100
touchup 1
touchup 0
sleep 1000
goto :던전확인
sleep 1000
getcolor #cmpcolor1 #dunx #duny
getcolor #cmpcolor2 #dunx2 #duny2
#orgcolor1 = #duncolor
#orgcolor2 = #duncolor2
#cmpnum = 2
#goto = 5
goto :compare1234
if #result1 == 1 and #result2 == 1
goto :dun
sleep 500
getcolor #cmpcolor1 #여관확인x #여관확인y1
getcolor #cmpcolor2 #여관확인x #여관확인y2
getcolor #cmpcolor3 #여관확인x #여관확인y3
getcolor #cmpcolor4 #메뉴x #메뉴y
getcolor #cmpcolor5 #월드맵x #월드맵y
#orgcolor1 = #배너취소c
#orgcolor2 = #배너구매c
#orgcolor3 = #배너확인c
#orgcolor4 = #메뉴c
#orgcolor5 = #월드맵c
#cmpnum = 5
#goto = 6
goto :compare1234
if #result5 == 1
touchpress 0 #뒤로x #뒤로y
sleep 500
goto :퀘스트끝
elseif #result4 == 1 and #keycheck == 1
touchpress 0 #keybuyx #keybuyy
sleep 1000
goto :keybuy
elseif #result4 == 1 and #inven == 0
touchpress 0 #설정x #설정y
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 #케릭터선택창x #케릭터선택창y
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 #확인x #확인y
sleep 1000
elseif #result4 == 1 and #inven == 1
touchpress 0 #가방x #가방y
sleep 1000
goto :inven
elseif #result1 == 1 and #result2 == 1
touchpress 0 #여관확인x #여관확인y1
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 #확인x #확인y
sleep 1000
goto :퀘스트끝
elseif #result3 == 1
touchpress 0 #여관확인x #여관확인y3
sleep 500
touchpress 0 #여관확인x #여관확인y3
sleep 500
touchpress 0 #여관확인x #여관확인y3
sleep 500
touchpress 0 #여관확인x #여관확인y3
goto :퀘스트끝
touchpress 0 #뒤로x #뒤로y
goto :퀘스트끝
sleep 1000
getcolor #cmpcolor1 #캐릭터선택x1 #캐릭터선택y1
getcolor #cmpcolor2 #캐릭터선택x2 #캐릭터선택y2
getcolor #cmpcolor3 #캐릭터선택x3 #캐릭터선택y3
#orgcolor1 = #캐릭터선택c1
#orgcolor2 = #캐릭터선택c2
#orgcolor3 = #캐릭터선택c3
#cmpnum = 3
#goto = 30
goto :compare1234
if #result1 == 1 and #result2 == 1 and #result3 == 1
sleep 500
touchpress 0 #빈칸확인x1 #빈칸확인y
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 #삭제x #삭제y
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 #확인x #확인y
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 #캐릭터이름x3 #캐릭터이름y3
sleep 1000
touchdown 0 #캐릭터이름x2 #캐릭터이름y2
sleep 2000
touchup 0
touchpress 0 #붙여넣기x #붙여넣기y
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 #enterx #entery
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 #확인x #확인y
sleep 1000
goto :delet
goto :start
getcolor #cmpcolor1 #여관확인x #여관확인y1
getcolor #cmpcolor2 #여관확인x #여관확인y2
getcolor #cmpcolor3 #여관확인x #여관확인y3
getcolor #cmpcolor4 #여관확인x #여관확인y5
#cmpcolor5 = #cmpcolor4
#orgcolor1 = #배너취소c
#orgcolor2 = #배너구매c
#orgcolor3 = #배너확인c
#orgcolor4 = #설정c
#orgcolor5 = #여관c2
#cmpnum = 5
#goto = 21
goto :compare1234
if #result4 == 1
sleep 500
touchpress 0 #케릭터선택창x #케릭터선택창y
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 #확인x #확인y
sleep 1000
goto :delet
elseif #result5 == 1
touchpress 0 #모험시작x #모험시작y
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 0 0
sleep 300
touchpress 0 0 0
sleep 300
touchpress 0 0 0
sleep 300
touchpress 0 0 0
sleep 300
elseif #result1 == 1 and #result2 == 1
touchpress 0 #여관확인x #여관확인y1
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 #확인x #확인y
sleep 1000
goto :quest
elseif #result3 == 1
touchpress 0 #여관확인x #여관확인y3
sleep 500
touchpress 0 #여관확인x #여관확인y3
sleep 500
touchpress 0 #여관확인x #여관확인y3
sleep 500
touchpress 0 #여관확인x #여관확인y3
goto :quest
touchpress 0 0 0
sleep 100
touchpress 0 0 0
sleep 100
touchpress 0 0 0
sleep 100
touchpress 0 0 0
sleep 100
touchpress 0 0 0
sleep 100
touchpress 0 0 0
sleep 100
goto :quest
getcolor #cmpcolor1 #월드맵x #월드맵y
getcolor #cmpcolor2 #여관확인x #여관확인y5
#orgcolor1 = #월드맵c
#orgcolor2 = #여관c2
#cmpnum = 2
#goto = 22
goto :compare1234
if #result1 == 1
touchpress 0 #뒤로x #뒤로y
sleep 1000
goto :퀘스트끝
elseif #result2 == 1
touchpress 0 #모험하기x #모험하기y
sleep 1000
goto :quest
goto :quest

if #stage > #stageend and #event == 0
touchpress 0 #뒤로x #뒤로y
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 #뒤로x #뒤로y
sleep 300
#stage = 1
touchpress 0 #설정x #설정y
sleep 300
touchpress 0 #설정x #설정y
sleep 300
touchpress 0 #설정x #설정y
sleep 300
touchpress 0 #설정x #설정y
sleep 300
goto :quest
elseif #stage > #stageend and #event == 1
touchpress 0 #뒤로x #뒤로y
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 #뒤로x #뒤로y
sleep 300
#stage = 1
#inven = 1
goto :quest
if #stage == 1
touchpress 0 #1rx #1ry
elseif #stage == 2
touchpress 0 #2rx #2ry
elseif #stage == 3
touchpress 0 #3rx #3ry
elseif #stage == 4
touchpress 0 #4rx #4ry
elseif #stage == 5
touchpress 0 #5rx #5ry
sleep 1000
getcolor #cmpcolor1 #dunsccx1 #dunsccy1
getcolor #cmpcolor2 #dunsccx1 #dunsccy1
getcolor #cmpcolor3 #dunsccx2 #dunsccy2
getcolor #cmpcolor4 #dunsccx2 #dunsccy2
getcolor #cmpcolor5 #scx #scy
#orgcolor1 = #dunsc11
#orgcolor2 = #dunsc12
#orgcolor3 = #dunsc21
#orgcolor4 = #dunsc22
#orgcolor5 = #sc
#cmpnum = 5
#goto = 67
#checkstatu = 0
goto :compare1234
if #result1 == 1 and #result3 == 1
toast 동료꽉참
touchpress 0 #bcfx #bcfy
sleep 600
goto :dun
elseif #result1 == 1 and #result4 == 1
toast 전 단계
#stage = #stage - 1
touchpress 0 #bcfx #bcfy
sleep 600
goto :dun
elseif #result2 == 1 and #result3 == 1
toast 가방꽉참
touchPress 0 #dunclickx #dunclicky
//log 꽉 찼네 ~
sleep 700
elseif #result2 == 1 and #result4 == 1 and #keybuysel == 0
toast 신발부족
touchpress 0 #bcfx #bcfy
sleep 30000
#stageend = #afterkeyfin
goto :dun
elseif #result2 == 1 and #result4 == 1 and #keybuysel == 1
toast 신발부족
touchpress 0 #bcfx #bcfy
#keycheck = 1
goto :key
elseif #result5 == 1
goto :dunstart
#stage = #stage + 1
goto :dun

touchPress 0 #selfnx #selfny
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 #scx #scy
sleep 1000
touchPress 0 #scx2 #scy2
sleep 1000
sleep 5000
//던전 종료 확인
getcolor #cmpcolor1 #fcx #fcy
#cmpcolor2 = #cmpcolor1
#orgcolor1 = #fc
#orgcolor2 = #gc
#goto = 49
#cmpnum = 2
#checkstatu = 0
goto :compare1234
if #result1 == 1
goto :fin2
elseif #result2 == 1
goto :fin1
goto :dunwait
//log 동료 나왔다
touchPress 0 #gcx #gcy
sleep 1000
//던전 끝남 화면 터치
//log #stage 던전 끝
touchPress 0 #dfx #dfy
sleep 500
// 아이템 획득 버튼 확인
getcolor #cmpcolor1 #icx #icy
#orgcolor1 = #ic
#cmpnum = 1
#goto = 50
#checkstatu = 0
goto :compare1234
if #result1 == 1
touchPress 0 #icx #icy
sleep 1000
goto :fin2
sleep 2000
//다음 스태이지로
#stage = #stage + 1
// 업적 및 퀘스트 넘기기 ------------------
sleep 500
getcolor #cmpcolor1 #뒤로x #뒤로y
#orgcolor1 = #뒤로c
#cmpnum = 1
#goto = 71
goto :compare1234
if #result1 == 1
goto :dunachi2
touchpress 0 #icx #icy
sleep 500
goto :dunachi
sleep 500
getcolor #cmpcolor1 #뒤로x #뒤로y
#orgcolor1 = #뒤로c
#cmpnum = 1
#goto = 72
goto :compare1234
if #result1 == 1
goto :dun
touchpress 0 #icx #icy
sleep 500
goto :dunachi2

if #page > 2
touchpress 0 #이전x #이전y
#page = 1
getcolor #cmpcolor1 #빈칸확인x1 #빈칸확인y
getcolor #cmpcolor2 #빈칸확인x2 #빈칸확인y
getcolor #cmpcolor3 #빈칸확인x3 #빈칸확인y
getcolor #cmpcolor4 #빈칸확인x4 #빈칸확인y
getcolor #cmpcolor5 #빈칸확인x5 #빈칸확인y
#orgcolor1 = #빈칸
#orgcolor2 = #빈칸
#orgcolor3 = #빈칸
#orgcolor4 = #빈칸
#orgcolor5 = #빈칸
#cmpnum = 5
#goto = 51
goto :compare1234
if #result1 == 1
touchpress 0 #빈칸확인x1 #빈칸확인y
elseif #result2 == 1
touchpress 0 #빈칸확인x2 #빈칸확인y
elseif #result3 == 1
touchpress 0 #빈칸확인x3 #빈칸확인y
elseif #result4 == 1
touchpress 0 #빈칸확인x4 #빈칸확인y
elseif #result5 == 1
touchpress 0 #빈칸확인x5 #빈칸확인y
touchpress 0 #다음x #다음y
#page = #page + 1
goto :chamake

sleep 1000
touchpress 0 #캐릭터이름x1 #캐릭터이름y1
sleep 1000
touchdown 0 #캐릭터이름x2 #캐릭터이름y2
sleep 2000
touchup 0
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 #붙여넣기x #붙여넣기y
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 #enterx #entery
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 #시작x #시작y
sleep 1000
getcolor #cmpcolor1 #캐릭터선택x1 #캐릭터선택y1
getcolor #cmpcolor2 #캐릭터선택x2 #캐릭터선택y2
getcolor #cmpcolor3 #캐릭터선택x3 #캐릭터선택y3
#orgcolor1 = #캐릭터선택c1
#orgcolor2 = #캐릭터선택c2
#orgcolor3 = #캐릭터선택c3
#cmpnum = 3
#goto = 31
goto :compare1234
if #result1 == 1 and #result2 == 1 and #result3 == 1
goto :chamakeend
goto :chamakewait
//튜토리얼 -----------------------------------------
sleep 500
getcolor #cmpcolor1 #튜토리얼x1 #튜토리얼y
getcolor #cmpcolor2 #튜토리얼x2 #튜토리얼y
getcolor #cmpcolor3 #튜토리얼x3 #튜토리얼y
#orgcolor1 = #black
#orgcolor2 = #black
#orgcolor3 = #black
#cmpnum = 3
#goto = 2
goto :compare1234
if #result1 == 1 and #result2 == 0 and #result3 == 1
touchpress 0 #스킵x #스킵y
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 #확인x #확인y
goto :여관확인1
goto :튜토리얼

if #result1 == 1 and #result2 == 1
touchpress 0 #여관확인x #여관확인y1
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 #확인x #확인y
sleep 1000
goto :여관확인1
elseif #result3 == 1
touchpress 0 #여관확인x #여관확인y3
goto :여관확인1
elseif #result4 == 1 and #result5 == 1
touchpress 0 #동료창x #동료창y
goto :동료창
touchpress 0 0 0
sleep 300
touchpress 0 0 0
sleep 300
touchpress 0 0 0
sleep 300
touchpress 0 0 0
sleep 300
touchpress 0 0 0
sleep 300
touchpress 0 0 0
sleep 300
touchpress 0 0 0
sleep 300
touchpress 0 0 0
sleep 300
touchpress 0 0 0
sleep 300
goto :여관확인1
sleep 500
getcolor #cmpcolor1 #뒤로x #뒤로y
#orgcolor1 = #뒤로c
#cmpnum = 1
#goto = 3
goto :compare1234
if #result1 == 1
touchpress 0 #뒤로x #뒤로y
sleep 100
touchpress 0 #모험시작x #모험시작y
sleep 100
touchpress 0 #모험시작x #모험시작y
sleep 100
touchpress 0 #모험시작x #모험시작y
sleep 100
touchpress 0 #모험시작x #모험시작y
sleep 100
touchpress 0 #모험시작x #모험시작y
sleep 100
touchpress 0 #모험시작x #모험시작y
goto :월드맵
touchpress 0 0 0
goto :동료창
getcolor #cmpcolor1 #selectx #selecty?
#orgcolor1 = #invenc
#cmpnum = 1
#goto = 35
goto :compare1234
if #result1 == 1
touchpress 0 #포션x #포션y
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 #창고x #창고y
goto :invencheck
goto :inven
sleep 500
getcolor #cmpcolor1 #selectx #selecty
#orgcolor1 = #invenc
#cmpnum = 1
#goto = 36
goto :compare1234
if #result1 == 1?
goto :inven1
goto :invencheck

sleep 1000
getcolor #cmpcolor1 #11x #11y
getcolor #cmpcolor21 #12x #12y
getcolor #cmpcolor31 #13x #13y
getcolor #cmpcolor41 #14x #14y
#cmpcolor2 = #cmpcolor1
#cmpcolor3 = #cmpcolor1
#orgcolor1 = #red
#orgcolor2 = #orange
#orgcolor3 = #pupple
#cmpnum = 3
#goto = 37
goto :compare1234
if #result1 == 1 or #result2 == 1 or #result3 == 1
touchpress 0 #11x #11y
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 #보관x #보관y
sleep 1000
goto :invenout

#cmpcolor1 = #cmpcolor21
#cmpcolor2 = #cmpcolor21
#cmpcolor3 = #cmpcolor21
#orgcolor1 = #red
#orgcolor2 = #orange
#orgcolor3 = #pupple
#cmpnum = 3
#goto = 38
goto :compare1234
if #result1 == 1 or #result2 == 1 or #result3 == 1
touchpress 0 #12x #12y
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 #보관x #보관y
sleep 1000
goto :invenout

#cmpcolor1 = #cmpcolor31
#cmpcolor2 = #cmpcolor31
#cmpcolor3 = #cmpcolor31
#orgcolor1 = #red
#orgcolor2 = #orange
#orgcolor3 = #pupple
#cmpnum = 3
#goto = 39
goto :compare1234
if #result1 == 1 or #result2 == 1 or #result3 == 1
touchpress 0 #13x #13y
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 #보관x #보관y
sleep 1000
goto :invenout

#cmpcolor1 = #cmpcolor41
#cmpcolor2 = #cmpcolor41
#cmpcolor3 = #cmpcolor41
#orgcolor1 = #red
#orgcolor2 = #orange
#orgcolor3 = #pupple
#cmpnum = 3
#goto = 40
goto :compare1234
if #result1 == 1 or #result2 == 1 or #result3 == 1
touchpress 0 #14x #14y
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 #보관x #보관y
sleep 1000
goto :invenout

#inven = 0
touchpress 0 #뒤로x #뒤로y
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 #뒤로x #뒤로y
goto :퀘스트끝

//던전에서 신발 구매
touchpress 0 #뒤로x #뒤로y
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 #뒤로x #뒤로y
sleep 1000
goto :quest
sleep 1000
getcolor #cmpcolor1 #여관확인x #여관확인y1
getcolor #cmpcolor2 #여관확인x #여관확인y2
getcolor #cmpcolor3 #여관확인x #여관확인y3
getcolor #cmpcolor4 #메뉴x #메뉴y
getcolor #cmpcolor5 #keybuycx1 #keybuycy1
#orgcolor1 = #배너취소c
#orgcolor2 = #배너구매c
#orgcolor3 = #배너확인c
#orgcolor4 = #메뉴c
#orgcolor5 = #keybuy1
#cmpnum = 5
#goto = 41
goto :compare1234
if #result1 == 1 and #result2 == 1
touchpress 0 #여관확인x #여관확인y1
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 #확인x #확인y
sleep 1000
goto :여관확인1
elseif #result3 == 1
touchpress 0 #여관확인x #여관확인y3
sleep 500
touchpress 0 #여관확인x #여관확인y3
sleep 500
touchpress 0 #여관확인x #여관확인y3
sleep 500
touchpress 0 #여관확인x #여관확인y3
goto :여관확인1
elseif #result5 == 1 and #keycheck == 1
touchpress 0 #keybuycx1 #keybuycy1
sleep 500
touchpress 0 #keybuycx2 #keybuycy2
#keycheck = 0
goto :keybuy
elseif #result5 == 1 and #keycheck == 0
touchpress 0 #keyoutx #keyouty
sleep 500
touchpress 0 #keyoutx #keyouty
sleep 500
goto :여관확인1
elseif #result4 == 1
touchpress 0 #모험시작x #모험시작y
touchdown 0 540 960
touchmove 0 0 0
touchup 0
touchdown 0 540 960
touchmove 0 0 0
touchup 0
touchdown 0 540 960
touchmove 0 0 0
touchup 0
sleep 400
touchdown 0 #101x1 #101y1
sleep 100
touchdown 1 #101x2 #101y2
sleep 100
touchup 1
touchup 0
sleep 1000
goto :던전확인
touchpress 0 #여관확인x #여관확인y3
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 #여관확인x #여관확인y3
sleep 1000
goto :keybuy

if #debugmod == 1
log #cmpcolor1 #cmpcolor2 #cmpcolor3 #cmpcolor4 #cmpcolor5 #goto
#resultall = 0
#result1 = 0
#result2 = 0
#result3 = 0
#result4 = 0
#result5 = 0
if #cmpnum = 0
goto :compare6
//R1 비교
#r = #cmpcolor1 % 256
#tempcolor = #orgcolor1 % 256
#tempcolorhigh = #tempcolor + #offset
#tempcolorlow = #tempcolor - #offset
if #tempcolorhigh < #r or #tempcolorlow > #r
#g = #cmpcolor1 / 256
goto :compare2
//color1 G 비교% 256
#g = #cmpcolor1 / 256 % 256
#tempcolor = #orgcolor1 / 256 % 256
#tempcolorhigh = #tempcolor + #offset
#tempcolorlow = #tempcolor - #offset
if #tempcolorhigh < #g or #tempcolorlow > #g
goto :compare2
// color1 B 비교
#b = #cmpcolor1 / 256 / 256 % 256
#tempcolor = #orgcolor1 / 256 / 256 % 256
#tempcolorhigh = #tempcolor + #offset
#tempcolorlow = #tempcolor - #offset
if #tempcolorhigh < #b or #tempcolorlow > #b
goto :compare2
#result1 = 1
#resultall = 1
if #cmpnum == 1
#cmpnum = 0
goto :compare6
// color2 R 비교
#r = #cmpcolor2 % 256
#tempcolor = #orgcolor2 % 256
#tempcolorhigh = #tempcolor + #offset
#tempcolorlow = #tempcolor - #offset
if #tempcolorhigh < #r or #tempcolorlow > #r
#resultall = 0
goto :compare3
// color2 G 비교
#g = #cmpcolor2 / 256 % 256
#tempcolor = #orgcolor2 / 256 % 256
#tempcolorhigh = #tempcolor + #offset
#tempcolorlow = #tempcolor - #offset
if #tempcolorhigh < #g or #tempcolorlow > #g
#resultall = 0
goto :compare3
// color2 B 비교
#b = #cmpcolor2 / 256 / 256 % 256
#tempcolor = #orgcolor2 / 256 / 256 % 256
#tempcolorhigh = #tempcolor + #offset
#tempcolorlow = #tempcolor - #offset
if #tempcolorhigh < #b or #tempcolorlow > #b
#resultall = 0
goto :compare3
#result2 = 1
if #cmpnum == 2
#cmpnum = 0
goto :compare6
// color3 R 비교
#r = #cmpcolor3 % 256
#tempcolor = #orgcolor3 % 256
#tempcolorhigh = #tempcolor + #offset
#tempcolorlow = #tempcolor - #offset
if #tempcolorhigh < #r or #tempcolorlow > #r
#resultall = 0
goto :compare4
// color3 G 비교
#g = #cmpcolor3 / 256 % 256
#tempcolor = #orgcolor3 / 256 % 256
#tempcolorhigh = #tempcolor + #offset
#tempcolorlow = #tempcolor - #offset
if #tempcolorhigh < #g or #tempcolorlow > #g
#resultall = 0
goto :compare4
// color3 B 비교
#b = #cmpcolor3 / 256 / 256 % 256
#tempcolor = #orgcolor3 / 256 / 256 % 256
#tempcolorhigh = #tempcolor + #offset
#tempcolorlow = #tempcolor - #offset
if #tempcolorhigh < #b or #tempcolorlow > #b
#resultall = 0
goto :compare4
#result3 = 1
if #cmpnum == 3
#cmpnum = 0
goto :compare6
// color4 R 비교
#r = #cmpcolor4 % 256
#tempcolor = #orgcolor4 % 256
#tempcolorhigh = #tempcolor + #offset
#tempcolorlow = #tempcolor - #offset
if #tempcolorhigh < #r or #tempcolorlow > #r
#resultall = 0
goto :compare5
// color4 G 비교
#g = #cmpcolor4 / 256 % 256
#tempcolor = #orgcolor4 / 256 % 256
#tempcolorhigh = #tempcolor + #offset
#tempcolorlow = #tempcolor - #offset
if #tempcolorhigh < #g or #tempcolorlow > #g
#resultall = 0
goto :compare5
// color4 B 비교
#b = #cmpcolor4 / 256 / 256 % 256
#tempcolor = #orgcolor4 / 256 / 256 % 256
#tempcolorhigh = #tempcolor + #offset
#tempcolorlow = #tempcolor - #offset
if #tempcolorhigh < #b or #tempcolorlow > #b
#resultall = 0
goto :compare5
#result4 = 1
if #cmpnum == 4
#cmpnum = 0
goto :compare6
// color5 R 비교
#r = #cmpcolor5 % 256
#tempcolor = #orgcolor5 % 256
#tempcolorhigh = #tempcolor + #offset
#tempcolorlow = #tempcolor - #offset
if #tempcolorhigh < #r or #tempcolorlow > #r
#resultall = 0
goto :compare6
// color5 G 비교
#g = #cmpcolor5 / 256 % 256
#tempcolor = #orgcolor5 / 256 % 256
#tempcolorhigh = #tempcolor + #offset
#tempcolorlow = #tempcolor - #offset
if #tempcolorhigh < #g or #tempcolorlow > #g
#resultall = 0
goto :compare6
// color5 B 비교
#b = #cmpcolor5 / 256 / 256 % 256
#tempcolor = #orgcolor5 / 256 / 256 % 256
#tempcolorhigh = #tempcolor + #offset
#tempcolorlow = #tempcolor - #offset
if #tempcolorhigh < #b or #tempcolorlow > #b
#resultall = 0
goto :compare6
#result5 = 1
goto :back
// Go back
//51:캐릭터생성 55:여관확인
//21,22:퀘스트 25:케릭삭제1
//31 캐릭생성 35~40 인벤
//71,72:던전 업적
if #debugmod == 1
log #result1 #result2 #result3 #result4 #result5 :back
if #goto == 1
goto :goto1
elseif #goto == 2
goto :goto2
elseif #goto == 3
goto :goto3
elseif #goto == 4
goto :goto4
elseif #goto == 5
goto :goto5
elseif #goto == 6
goto :goto6
elseif #goto == 7
goto :goto7
elseif #goto == 8
goto :goto8
elseif #goto == 9
goto :goto9
elseif #goto == 10
goto :goto10
elseif #goto == 11
goto :goto11
elseif #goto == 12
goto :goto12
elseif #goto == 13
goto :goto13
elseif #goto == 14
goto :goto14
elseif #goto == 15
goto :goto15
elseif #goto == 16
goto :goto16
elseif #goto == 17
goto :goto17
elseif #goto == 18
goto :goto18
elseif #goto == 19
goto :goto19
elseif #goto == 20
goto :goto20
elseif #goto == 21
goto :goto21
elseif #goto == 22
goto :goto22
elseif #goto == 23
goto :goto23
elseif #goto == 24
goto :goto24
elseif #goto == 25
goto :goto25
elseif #goto == 26
goto :goto26
elseif #goto == 27
goto :goto27
elseif #goto == 28
goto :goto28
elseif #goto == 29
goto :goto29
elseif #goto == 30
goto :goto30
elseif #goto == 31
goto :goto31
elseif #goto == 32
goto :goto32
elseif #goto == 33
goto :goto33
elseif #goto == 34
goto :goto34
elseif #goto == 35
goto :goto35
elseif #goto == 36
goto :goto36
elseif #goto == 37
goto :goto37
elseif #goto == 38
goto :goto38
elseif #goto == 39
goto :goto39
elseif #goto == 40
goto :goto40
elseif #goto == 41
goto :goto41
elseif #goto == 42
goto :goto42
elseif #goto == 43
goto :goto43
elseif #goto == 44
goto :goto44
elseif #goto == 45
goto :goto45
elseif #goto == 46
goto :goto46
elseif #goto == 47
goto :goto47
elseif #goto == 48
goto :goto48
elseif #goto == 49
goto :goto49
elseif #goto == 50
goto :goto50
elseif #goto == 51
goto :goto51
elseif #goto == 52
goto :goto52
elseif #goto == 53
goto :goto53
elseif #goto == 54
goto :goto54
elseif #goto == 55
goto :goto55
elseif #goto == 56
goto :goto56
elseif #goto == 57
goto :goto57
elseif #goto == 58
goto :goto58
elseif #goto == 59
goto :goto59
elseif #goto == 60
goto :goto60
elseif #goto == 61
goto :goto61
elseif #goto == 62
goto :goto62
elseif #goto == 63
goto :goto63
elseif #goto == 64
goto :goto64
elseif #goto == 65
goto :goto65
elseif #goto == 66
goto :goto66
elseif #goto == 67
goto :goto67
elseif #goto == 68
goto :goto68
elseif #goto == 69
goto :goto69
elseif #goto == 70
goto :goto70
elseif #goto == 71
goto :goto71
elseif #goto == 72
goto :goto72
elseif #goto == 100
goto :goto100
elseif #goto == 101
goto :goto101
elseif #goto == 156
goto :goto156
elseif #goto == 159
goto :goto159
elseif #goto == 161
goto :goto161
elseif #goto == 164
goto :goto164
elseif #goto == 502
goto :goto502
elseif #goto == 511
goto :goto511
log [Error] goto number 오류

  • 비훑 2015.04.28 19:42

    샤먼님 짱 ㅎㅎ

  • 샤먼 2015.04.28 22:02
    아마 전에 드렸던거보다 조금 더 발전했을꺼에요 ㅎㅎ
    사용하다가 불편한것들 기능 추가를 좀 했더니
  • 바람인줄 2015.04.28 21:59

    좋은 정보 감사합니다.

  • 모모우롱 2015.05.01 17:51

    감사합니다 역시 능력자시네요 ㅜㅜㅜㅜ

  • 달려요 2015.05.05 10:30

    샤먼님 수고스럽겠지만 800x480 해상도로 부탁드려도 될까요??

  • 샤먼 2015.05.05 23:38
    800에 480 짜리는 저한테 그 해상도의 휴대폰이 없어서
    제작이 불가능 합니다.
  • 참도깨비 2015.05.09 17:03

    갤3인데 노트3로 중고폰 사나사야겠네요 ㅠㅠㅋ

  • 일루온 2015.05.12 21:29

    소스매우 감사합니다 ^^

  • profile
    묵응 2015.11.12 21:31

    질문이 하나 있습니다.

    다른게임에도 적용해보려고 색값보정이란부분을 유심히보는데

    어떤식으로 하신건지 잘 모르겠어서요,,;

    원하는놈의 색값을 가져와서

    R값을 뽑고, 프리셋값을 대충 +-하는건 알겠는데

    그 프리셋값을 어떻게 잡으셨는지와,

    그렇게하면, 어떻게 색값을 보정이 되는지를 알고싶습니다.

    제가 하려는 게임이 글자는 눈으로 보기에는 흰색인데, 뒷배경이 반투명인곳에 글자가 있어서그런지

    색값이 미묘하게 자꾸 변경되더라고요.

    그걸 담고있는 케이스같은 줄도 변하더라고요.

    그래서 저부분을 참고하여 한번 해보려고 합니다만, 

    제 머리로 이해가 가지 않아서 그런데 설명을 부탁드려도 될까요?

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