{ ; AHK 시작부분 #NoTrayIcon SetBatchLines, -1 CoordMode, Mouse, Screen Gui, +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop}{ ; 초기 명령 커맨드 부분 File = %1% if File { if FileExist(File) { FileRead, script, %File% GoSub, ButtonPlay } else, MsgBox, 262160, File Error, Cannot access File:`n%File% ExitApp } Menu, Tray, Icon }{ ; GUI Menu, Playback, Add, Once, Playback Menu, Playback, Add, Loop, Playback Menu, Playback, Check, Once Playback := "Once" Menu, Sub, Add, Open, Open Menu, Sub, Add, Save, Save Menu, Sub, Add, Copy, Copy Menu, Sub, Add, Playback, :Playback Gui, Menu, Sub Gui, Add, Button, x6 y10 w50 h20 vRecord, Record Gui, Add, Button, x66 y10 w50 h20 vStop, Stop Gui, Add, Button, x126 y10 w50 h20 vPlay, Play Gui, Show, w191 h39, Mouse Recorder GuiControl("Stop=0,Play=0")}{ ; 핫키 부분 Loop, 3 { Hotkey, % "~" SubStr("LRM",A_Index,1) "Button", ClickHotkeys Hotkey, % "~" SubStr("LRM",A_Index,1) "Button Up", ClickHotkeys } Hotkey, ~WheelDown, ClickHotkeys Hotkey, ~WheelUp, ClickHotkeys ^+r:: GoSub, ButtonRecord ^+s:: GoSub, ButtonStop ^+p:: GoSub, ButtonPlay ClickHotkeys: if recording script .= SubStr(A_ThisHotkey, 2) (InStr(A_ThisHotkey, " Up")? "":" Down") "." return} ; 메뉴 옵션Open: ; 열기{ GoSub, ButtonStop FileSelectFile, OpenDir, 2, %A_scriptDir%, Select File:, script - Mouse Recorder (*.smr) if Not ErrorLevel { FileRead, script, %OpenDir% GuiControl("Play=1") } return}Save: ; 저장 스크립트{ GoSub, ButtonStop FileSelectFile, SaveDir, S2, %A_scriptDir%, Save As:, script - Mouse Recorder (*.smr) if Not ErrorLevel { SaveDir := RegExReplace(SaveDir, "i)\.smr") ".smr" FileDelete, %SaveDir% FileAppend, %script%, %SaveDir% } return}Copy: ; 클립보드로 복사{ if Not script return Clipboard := script ToolTip, script Copied to Clipboard SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 1000 return RemoveToolTip: ToolTip return}Playback: ; 한번,여러번 반복{ Playback := A_ThisMenuItem Menu, Playback, Check, %A_ThisMenuItem% Menu, Playback, UnCheck, % (A_ThisMenuItem="Once"? "Loop":"Once") return}GuiClose:{ ExitApp}; GUI 버튼설정ButtonRecord: ; 기록시작{ StoredX := StoredY := "" GuiControl("Record=0,Stop=1,Play=0") Gui, Show, , Recording ... CoordMode, Mouse, Screen recording := true script := "" while recording { MouseGetPos, X, Y if (StoredX=X and StoredY=Y) script .= "+." else { script .= X "," Y "." StoredX:=X, StoredY:=Y } Sleep, 10 } script := SubStr(script, 1, -1) return}ButtonStop: ; 기록정지{ if playing { playing := false return } Gui, Show, , Mouse Recorder GuiControl("Record=1,Stop=0,Play=1") recording := false ; Stop Recording return}ButtonPlay: ; 재생{ Gui, Show, , Playing ... StoredX := StoredY := "" playing := true Loop, Parse, script, . { Sleep, -1 if Not playing break else if RegExMatch(A_LoopField,"(\d+),(\d+)",p) { MouseMove, %p1%, %p2%, 0 StoredX:=p1, StoredY:=p2 } else if (A_LoopField = "+") MouseMove, %StoredX%, %StoredY%, 0 else, Send, {%A_LoopField%} } if (Playback = "Loop") and Playing GoTo, ButtonPlay playing := false Gui, Show, , Mouse Recorder return}GuiControl(option) { Loop, Parse, option, `, { StringSplit, item, A_LoopField, = GuiControl, % (item2 ? "En":"Dis") "able", %item1% }}---------------요 스크립트인데요. 이걸 FPS게임에서도 저장될수있도록 만들고 싶은데 어느부분을 건드려야 할가요..